Mango – properties. Why is it worth eating mangoes?

Mango, which came to Europe in the XNUMXth century, is gaining more and more popularity every year. Research shows its positive properties. It helps fight cancer cells, lowers cholesterol, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin and is good for colds. Mango can be eaten as a dessert, but also as an addition to salads or meat dishes.

Mango – origin and species

The mango fruit comes from India. Hindus knew the health benefits of mango since antiquity. In Europe, it was popularized only in the 200th century. They are grown in America, Africa, Australia and in some regions of Europe. Currently, over 2 varieties of the fruit are grown, depending on the type of mango, it reaches a size similar to an apple and even up to XNUMX kg.

The most popular species are haden and kent, which are medium-sized, three-colored, round fruits. Other available in Poland, but less popular, are, for example: graham (yellow, round), lancetilla (yellow-green oblong), malika (yellow, oblong) and a circle (green, round).

Mango helps fight cancer

Mango fruit has been found to help fight breast and colon cancer. After studies on breast, colon, leukemia, lung and prostate cancer cells, they found that they reacted with the first two. The reaction is to kill diseased cells while not harming healthy ones.

It is possible thanks to the polyphenol content in the composition of mango. These are chemical compounds that have a strong antioxidant effect, thus preventing cancer and inhibiting the development of cardiovascular diseases. Of course, fruit cannot replace healing, but only support.

Mango – properties

Mango is a source of many vitamins, including: A, C, E, B, as well as many minerals (copper, iron, magnet and potassium. They are recommended for people with anorexia and anemia, as well as for people who have problems with The fruit contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are pigments in the retina – mangoes reduce the risk of cataracts.

So far, no contraindications have been listed for diabetics to consume mangoes. Studies have been carried out on mice and it has been shown that daily consumption of mangoes contributes to lowering blood sugar levels. However, due to the specificity of research (on animals), it requires continuation and further analysis. These properties of mangoes for humans have not been officially confirmed, but no harmful properties for diabetics are mentioned either.

Scientists discovered anti-inflammatory properties that lower cholesterol and increase insulin sensitivity. That is why mango is recommended for people with colds as it soothes irritation and redness in the throat. Patients with increased so-called “Bad cholesterol” and diagnosed with insulin resistance should also eat mangoes or add them to dishes.

  1. Discover the delicious recipes from the mango diet

What mangoes to choose and how to eat them?

Ripe mangoes are best, but not overripe. The ripe fruit should be soft inside, and the skin should bend under the fingers. In addition, the smell must be felt from the tip. The three colors indicate that the mango is ready to eat: yellow, green and red. All green signifies immaturity and red signifies overripe.

Once the right fruit is selected, you can eat it alone or add it to salad or meat. It is recommended to season with ginger or lime juice. There are several ways to consume mangoes easily:

  1. cut in half and eat with a spoon,
  2. peel it with a knife like an apple,
  3. trim the widest side
  4. dice the pulp (without the skin)
  5. turn inside out
  6. cut off the ankles from the peel; Remove the stone from the residue.

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