Mandatory and recommended vaccinations – how much does it cost?

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Compulsory vaccinations in Poland are free. However, the list of recommended vaccinations, especially for the youngest children, is very long. Unfortunately, the recommended vaccines are not reimbursed under the National Health Fund (NFZ) insurance. Which vaccines are worth taking and how much do you have to pay for them?

Compulsory vaccinations – do you have to pay for them?

Every year, the Preventive Vaccination Program is published on the website of the Ministry of Health, which describes the mandatory and recommended vaccinations. Compulsory vaccinations resulting from the vaccination calendar are reimbursed by the National Health Fund, therefore you do not have to pay for them. The list of compulsory and therefore free vaccinations includes vaccines against:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. pneumococcal infections;
  3. diphtheria;
  4. whooping cough;
  5. polio;
  6. measles;
  7. mumps;
  8. rubella;
  9. tetanus;
  10. hepatitis B;
  11. infections against Haemophilus influenzae type B;
  12. in the case of people from high-risk groups, vaccinations against chicken pox and rabies are also performed.

Compulsory vaccinations in Poland cover children and adolescents who are under 19 years of age. On the other hand, the high-risk group includes students of medical and veterinary faculties, as well as health care and veterinary staff.

The most important information on compulsory vaccinations can be found here: Compulsory vaccinations – everything you need to know

Recommended vaccinations – how much will we pay for the vaccination package?

Recommended vaccinations are performed in order to extend the scope of child health protection. These types of vaccinations are paid and can be purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription issued by a doctor. There are many recommended vaccines on the market and it is often difficult for parents to decide which one is right for them.

Accordingly, many specialists advise choosing a combination vaccine in which there are more ingredients. Recommended vaccinations, specified by the Ministry of Health, include vaccines against:

  1. chicken pox;
  2. tick-borne encephalitis;
  3. hepatitis A (hepatitis A);
  4. flu;
  5. rotavirus infections;
  6. meningococcal infections.

If you want to know more about vaccinations in Poland, check: Vaccinations in Poland – mandatory and recommended

5-in-1 combination vaccine – how much does it cost?

The 5-in-1 vaccine is a combination vaccine that combines vaccines to prevent five different diseases. It consists of vaccinations that are on the list of compulsory vaccines, but the 5-in-1 vaccine is paid. The 5-in-1 combination vaccine protects your baby against:

  1. diphtheria – an acute infectious disease that spreads mainly through droplets. The bacterium enters the body through the mouth or nose and colonizes on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Diphtheria always requires hospital treatment, during which antitoxins are administered;
  2. tetanus – a severe disease of the nervous system characterized by muscle spasms. This disease is a consequence of infection of the wound with an anaerobic bacterium – tetanus. Surviving the disease does not leave permanent immunity;
  3. polio – widespread childhood paralysis also known as Heine-Medin disease. It is an acute infectious disease caused by three types of polio viruses that lead to muscle paralysis and disability. The disease is transmitted through the fecal-oral route.
  4. whooping cough – an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract. It is a bacterial bronchitis caused by infection with the bacilli of whooping cough. Whooping cough is most dangerous for newborns and infants, but you can get the disease at virtually any age;
  5. Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB) – infections are the most common diseases in children under 6 years of age. Strains of this bacterium are only human pathogens and spread by droplets or through direct contact with secretions or excreta.

The 5-in-1 vaccine is chosen by parents because it allows for several compulsory vaccinations in a child, while limiting the number of injections. One dose of the vaccine contains five antigens of the diseases or bacteria mentioned above. Full immunity is achieved after the administration of four doses.

The first dose is given in the second month of the baby’s life, the second dose between 3 and 4 months, the third between 5 and 6 months and the last dose at 16-18 months of age. The price of one dose of the 5-in-1 vaccine costs about PLN 130-150. You have to pay around PLN 520-600 for all doses.

More information about the 5-in-1 combined vaccine can be found here: 5-in-1 vaccinations – action, dosage, price

6-in-1 combination vaccine – how much does it cost?

The 6in1 combination vaccine, like the 5in1 vaccine, contains several different antigens. Which means that the administration of the 6-in-1 combination vaccine allows the child to immunize against six different diseases. The 6-in-1 combination vaccine protects your baby against:

  1. diphtheria;
  2. tetanus
  3. whooping cough;
  4. polio;
  5. Haemophilus influenzae typu B (HiB);
  6. hepatitis A.

The 6-in-1 combination vaccine is an extension of the 5-in-1 vaccine, because it additionally immunizes the child against hepatitis A. The 6-in-1 combination vaccine is administered in four doses, one of which costs about PLN 180-200. For a full package of the 6-in-1 vaccine, you should pay about PLN 720-800.

You can read about the positive and negative aspects of combination vaccines here: Combined vaccines – advantages and disadvantages of 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 vaccinations

Rotavirus vaccine – how much does it cost?

Rotaviruses cause an infectious disease manifested by severe diarrhea, vomiting, often fever and general weakness of the body. The most severe course of rotavirus infection occurs in children under 5 years of age. Diarrhea that occurs during infection is so intense that the disease can lead to life-threatening dehydration.

Unfortunately, practically every child under the age of 5 has contact with rotavirus. Children who stay in hospital wards or attend nurseries or kindergartens are particularly vulnerable to rotavirus infection.

Rotavirus vaccination should be performed between the 6th and 12th week of a child’s life. The second dose of the vaccine should be given before the age of 24 weeks. The rotavirus vaccine is given by mouth. It has a sweet taste, which is why children usually enjoy it very much.

There are two types of rotavirus vaccine available on the Polish market. The Rotarix vaccine consists of two doses, one of which costs about PLN 280-300. For full vaccination with this vaccine you should pay about PLN 560-600. The second vaccine is RotaTeq, which consists of three doses. One dose of this vaccine costs about PLN 180-300, which means that the entire vaccination costs about PLN 540-900.

What should you know about rotaviruses? Check: Rotaviruses in children and adults – symptoms, treatment, vaccination

Meningococcal vaccine – how much does it cost?

Meningococci are the bacteria that are responsible for the occurrence of severe invasive meningococcal disease. The disease most often takes the form of meningococcal sepsis or meningococcal meningitis. Illnesses are the result of direct and close contact with a person carrying the bacteria. It is much less common to get infected from someone who already has meningococcal disease.

The type of meningococcal vaccine you choose depends on the type of bacteria you want to immunize against. However, all of them are performed after the child reaches the age of two. The meningococcal B vaccine is Bexero. One dose of the vaccine costs about PLN 350-500. Depending on the chosen schedule of administration of this vaccine, a set of vaccinations should be paid from 700 to 2000 zlotys.

Vaccination with Nimenrix is ​​performed against meningococcal types A and C. One dose of the vaccine costs about PLN 175-240. As with the previous vaccine, the total cost of vaccination will depend on the schedule chosen. The average fee for this vaccination is from 175 to 480 zlotys.

In turn, the Neisvac-C Baxter preparation is the anti-meningococcal vaccine against type C, one dose of which costs about PLN 125-200. The total cost of vaccination ranges from PLN 125 to PLN 600.

Do you want to learn how to sign up for a vaccination? Need a doctor’s advice? Ask the expert a question on the haloDoctor platform.

You can find out more about the meningococcal vaccination here: Meningococcal vaccine – dates, complications and price of vaccinations

Chickenpox vaccination – how much does it cost?

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. This virus is very contagious, and preschool and school children are most often affected. Chickenpox is very common and it is difficult to avoid getting sick. The chickenpox vaccine contains the live viruses of the disease, but they are so weakened and modified that there is no risk of making your baby sick.

Vaccination against chickenpox is recommended to anyone who has never had chickenpox and has never been vaccinated against it before. It is worth mentioning that although varicella vaccination is a recommended vaccine, in the case of children from a high risk group, it is mandatory vaccination.

There is one vaccine against chickenpox available in Poland and it is the preparation Varilrix. Vaccination should be performed after the child is 9 months old, preferably between 12 and 18 months of age. The vaccine is given in two doses. The price of one dose is approximately PLN 180-250. This means that the entire vaccination costs about PLN 360-500.

TBE vaccination – how much does it cost?

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis belongs to a group of vaccines that should be especially remembered by nature lovers and people who are often outdoors. Among the people who should decide to undergo vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, there are:

  1. forest workers;
  2. military at training grounds;
  3. tourists who prefer hiking;
  4. colonists, especially children and adolescents under the age of 18;
  5. travelers who spend time in areas endemic to TBE.

Two manufacturers’ vaccines are available on the medical market. Vaccination should occur from the age of one and before the age of 15. Three doses of the vaccine are given, but it should be remembered that it does not immunize for life. Booster doses should be taken at certain times. The TBE vaccine costs about PLN 3-100 per dose. This means that for the vaccination cycle you have to pay about PLN 140-300.

Do you want to find out if you are eligible for vaccination? Not sure if your child can be immunized? Make an appointment with a specialist to find out what is the qualification for vaccination.

Costs related to influenza vaccination

Flu vaccinations are recommended each year by the World Health Organization. They can be given to both children and adults. The indication for vaccination against influenza is a high risk of influenza complications. The high-risk group includes chronically ill people who struggle with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, respiratory diseases, kidney failure or anemia.

After vaccination, immunity lasts for 6-12 months, so it is a seasonal vaccine that must be taken every year. It is worth noting that at the first vaccination, two doses of the vaccine are administered. The flu vaccine costs PLN 45. This means that if you get vaccinated for the first time, the cost of the vaccination will be PLN 90.

You can find out more about the flu vaccine here: Are flu vaccines safe

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