Manage stress at work

The origins of stress

Stress would initially be a vital, normal and necessary function. According to the definition of the International Labor Office, it is a “reaction of our organism to adapt to changes in our environment”. A “normal reaction” to a point. When you are tense all day long for a long period of time, this “body defense” can work against you and put your physical and mental well-being, and incidentally, your productivity at work, at risk.

Women today are drowned under multiple imperatives. So much so that they forget to be attentive to the signs sent by their bodies! Certain cardiovascular problems, MSDs (musculoskeletal disorder), breathing or digestion problems, migraines, rashes or insomnia can be the result of too much stress. Stress which can also play on the psyche and cause anxiety attacks, anxiety, irritability, sadness, discouragement, even a negative view of oneself and others. From there to find comfort in an excess of food (long live chocolate!), Coffee, cigarettes or alcohol… The step is quickly taken! We must therefore be attentive to these small alerts and take matters in hand before making a nervous breakdown!

What is stressing you about your job?

The important thing is to be aware of what is really stressing you. Among the main causes of stress at work, we often talk about work overload, too short deadlines, lack of recognition, poor organization, relationship difficulties with a colleague or a superior, material frustrations (too low remuneration , not very rewarding position), a disagreement with the values ​​of the company or a lack of visibility on the professional future … Not to mention young mothers, who must fight to find their place on their return from maternity leave , who are immediately considered as little invested and from whom even more efforts are expected to prove that their status as mothers does not prevent them from being productive! Make your choice, or your choices!

Talk to your manager

Take your courage in both hands and ask your boss for a date. It is not a question of pouring out your grievances to him, but of setting your limits by proposing constructive solutions. You take the risk of receiving some criticism, so what? Once again, no one is perfect and these reviews may help you add water to your mill: was your last job lacking in rigor? No wonder, with the workload you have on your back, you can’t always have quantity and quality. Do you need to delegate, to have more time, you don’t know if your work is really appreciated? Ask your boss to give you an assessment, suggest a reorganization of your work, in short, behave like an adult. Putting the cards on the table will already be a relief. Talking about problems can defuse many potential crises.

If your boss is sealed off from any form of communication, you have legal recourse. Do not hesitate, even if it is a risky and full of pitfalls journey. Make an appointment with occupational medicine, with your HRD, or the CHSCT (health, safety and working conditions committee, for companies with more than 50 employees), have lunch with a union representative who will be happy to explain how get out of it. Bullying in the workplace is a real social problem and you can get away with it if you accept that you are not alone.

Learn to say no

Learn to say no when you can do it reasonably, before going to the end of your limits and slam the door by insulting everyone … As you dream of doing it secretly by agreeing for the umpteenth time to stay at work in the evening or to take one more file when you are already overwhelmed with work. Accept that you can’t be perfect, don’t behave like you always have something to prove by taking on insane professional challenges. You are playing the game of your direction, especially if you are a new mother. Do not let yourself be trapped by your eternal feminine guilt… A hell of a challenge, we grant you! Lastly, if you can identify the exact causes of your stress and understand your reactions to work, you are taking the first step towards solutions. What makes you feel good, what relaxes you? Only you know it! Simply, force yourself to put the pedal soft, as soon as you feel that your small heart starts to beat dangerously again. Give yourself breaks (no coffee!), When working on a computer, you are supposed to stop to stretch your legs and brain every hour! Go out for lunch, laugh with your colleagues, or on the contrary, keep a serene distance with them, get into Yoga, Pilates… In short, take action!

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