Manage conditional formatting rules in Excel

You can see all the conditional formatting rules in a workbook using the tool Conditional Formatting Rules Manager (Conditional Formatting Rules Manager). It can also be used to create, edit, and delete rules.

  1. Highlight a cell A1.
  2. On the Advanced tab Mainth (Home) select a team Conditional Formatting > Rule management (Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules).Manage conditional formatting rules in ExcelThe Conditional Formatting Rules Manager (Conditional Formatting Rules Manager).

    Manage conditional formatting rules in Excel

Note: Because the cell is selected A1, Excel displays the rules that apply to the range A1: A10.

  1. To see all conditional formatting rules on this sheet, select from the drop down list Show formatting rules for (Show formating rules for) пункт This sheet (This Worksheet).Manage conditional formatting rules in Excel

Note: Нажмите кнопку Create Rule (New Rule), Change the rule (Edit Rule) or Delete rule (Delete Rule) to create, edit, and delete a rule, respectively.

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