Man’s responsibilities: 10 chores to do around the house

Man’s responsibilities: 10 chores to do around the house

Oh, how many discussions on women’s forums on the topic “what a man does around the house”. There are countless complaints there. But the guys are really ready to help with the housework. You just need to know what to ask for.

Most men do not like painstaking work, the results of which are not visible after twenty minutes: washing the floor or dishes, for example. They prefer activities that are more creative or traditionally masculine. has compiled a rating of the economic preferences of a strong half of humanity in descending order of enthusiasm.

This item inspires every man. Does not require reminders and generally female participation. A man usually follows the appearance of his car with much more zeal than his wardrobe or the contents of the refrigerator. It remains only to rejoice in such tender care of the “war horse” and … to collect scattered socks around the apartment.

A small daily contribution to the big cause of maintaining cleanliness most often does not cause rejection in a man, especially if there is a garbage chute in the house. To avoid dissatisfied muttering, the main thing is to collect all the garbage in advance and transfer it from hand to hand in a compact and convenient form for “transportation”.

A simple morning procedure is within the power of any man. Takes seconds and does not require any special skills. One “but”: the man will agree to make the bed only in one case – if he gets up later than you. Whoever is extreme, to that and a veil in his hands.

No, no, of course, we are not talking about hand-washing a cashmere sweater, this is the lot of the elite. But it will be able to start the washing machine, especially if you have already put laundry in it, filled in powder and selected a program. And of course, he will have no choice but to hang the washed laundry to dry … But you still need to remind about this.

A man, as you know, is a breadwinner, so he will regularly visit grocery stores (and at the same time pay receipts for electricity and water). Two prerequisites: having a shopping list and not having you around. A man is not able to walk for a long time and choose goods like a woman. In case of doubt, he has a “call to a friend” in reserve, that is, to you. Keep your phone ready.

A full sink, alas, has no effect on a man – he just leaves a dirty plate on the table and takes your coffee cup instead of a mug. A man can agree to the role of “dishwasher” only at your request and usually after several reminders. It is best if you voice your request at the moment when you yourself are busy with some “very important business.” And remember: all dirty dishes should already be in the sink. For what is left on the table, stove and in the rooms, most likely, there will be an excuse: “I did not notice.”

But the best way to shift the responsibility of washing dishes onto a man is to buy a dishwasher. The guys even like to download this “Tetris”.

7. Washing the bathtub and sink

For a man to agree to take on this “hard work” – to clean the bath and / or sink, you will need to appeal to his strength (in comparison with your female weakness) and a timid enumeration of your many achievements in the field of the household.

One of the most ambitious events that categorically does not fit into a man’s idea of ​​a home weekend. The only compromise he’s willing to make in order for you to return the TV remote to him is to vacuum the floor. From the category of fantasy: a man cleaning floors, windows and a toilet (ay, are there such?).

On this point, the majority of women are in solidarity with the absolute majority of men. Nobody (or almost nobody) wants to iron the laundry. It would seem that harmony has been achieved, if not for the wrinkled shirt and trousers, in which he will go to work tomorrow …

To him, the most dear and beloved assistant!

Aerobatics, which not every man can demonstrate. And a very rare specimen wants to discover its culinary talents under the daily onslaught of your cutlets and borscht. Less zeal and more tired doom: “Such a difficult day! If not for you, we would have remained hungry today. “

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