Man’s health
Usually, men are not as reverent about their health as women. The stronger sex gets used to “endure” and turns to specialists only as a last resort. Let’s figure out what can be done to keep men’s health as long as possible
Phimosis in men
Phimosis is an intimate problem with which men are embarrassed to go to the doctor. We will find out from an expert when phimosis can be cured on its own, and when surgery is indispensable
If the prostate gland becomes inflamed, even something as simple as going to the toilet becomes excruciating, long and painful.
Dropsy of the testicle
Dropsy of the testicle occurs in children and adults, but the causes of the disease are different for them.

How to keep a man healthy

The concept of “health of a man” includes many factors that together affect well-being and life expectancy. This is the health of the body, and a strong psyche, and physical development.

Any violations in these areas are reflected in the sexual life of a man. The danger lies in the fact that some diseases do not manifest themselves in any way, and they can occur even at a young age. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself even before the manifestation of problems, because they can be avoided with the help of prevention.

1. Schedule a visit to the urologist

It is generally believed that any infection is necessarily manifested by pain or problems with urination. But even such a well-known disease as prostatitis may not make itself felt.

Many diseases have a chronic, asymptomatic form that gradually develops into a more severe stage. You can detect problems at a preventive examination by a urologist. With age, visits to the doctor need to be even more frequent, as the risk of oncology increases.

2. Get exercise

Lack of physical activity is fraught with many problems, including stagnation of blood in the pelvis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Lack of circulation in this area can provoke congestive prostatitis.

Also, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity. Excess fat mass causes hormonal changes, a decrease in the level of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Often this affects potency.

3. Give up bad habits

The direct harm of smoking, as well as alcohol abuse, has been proven. One glass of wine on a holiday does not hurt, but you need to follow the measure.

Nicotine reduces the number of sperm in the semen, impairs their mobility. Often the erection becomes unstable. With especially active smoking or alcoholism, problems with conception are possible.

4. Be safe in your sex life

You can protect yourself from infections as much as possible by regularly taking tests and avoiding unprotected sex.

It is important, even if there were only a few partners in the past, to get tested anyway, since a man is often a carrier of many infections that are asymptomatic for him. At the same time, it serves as a source of infection for a new partner.

If an infection is detected by urine, swab, or prostate fluid tests, it is important to get treated right away so that the bacteria do not cause inflammation of the prostate gland and lead to prostatitis. The treatment is prescribed by the doctor, and the dosage and duration of the medication should not be violated. The disease may subside, but the bacteria will not die completely, and after a while the infection will reappear.

5. Have a regular sex life

Lack of sex life or excess activity can also cause health problems. The prostate gland produces a special fluid that must be periodically updated. Semen stasis can lead to congestive prostatitis even in young people, and the risk increases with age.

Particular activity in the genital area, oddly enough, can also lead to prostatitis. Irritated mucous membranes are especially susceptible to infections, the body needs to be given time to recover.

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