Film «The Lion King»

The hassle-free philosophy of a healthy animal: think of yourself, fill your stomach and have fun. Hakuna Matata!

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Naturally, we are all human, but in the way of life we ​​can be both human and animal: normal healthy animals. Healthy — that is, active, vigorous, alive, and not lethargic and sick. Being a natural, healthy, strong, vigorous animal is not bad at all, each of us spends most of our life as an animal, and this is normal.

When you eat your soup and your dog eats his stew, what is the essential difference between you, besides the fact that the dog ran around in the yard more than you and now eats more cheerfully?

Not all people are healthy animals, because there are people who are people, and not animals at all, and there are people who are animals, but not completely healthy. What is it like to live like a healthy animal?


A healthy animal, no matter whether it is biologically Homo sapiens or another animal, lives for itself and its own — those who for it are its continuation.

My she-wolf, my cubs, my pack… My wife, my children, my relatives…

If normal life is going on, then a healthy animal is primarily interested in satisfying its natural needs. This is completely natural and normal, this is the basis of life on earth: having needs, look for a way to satisfy them.

The three main human needs as a healthy animal are to eat, sleep, and have sex.

To eat is to satisfy one’s direct physical needs, to satisfy oneself with food, drink and strokes. Sleep — that is, relax, immerse yourself in pleasant peace, and, in addition to physical sleep, TV, chatter and any other official entertainment is quite suitable here. To fuck is to «fuck», that is, to move into someone else’s, to sharply demonstrate one’s strength and power. But to have is also to “master”, to make someone your own, to increase one’s presence in the world, to expand the sphere of one’s self. Well, to have is also just to have, that is, to use something.

Accordingly, with a common love for food, lotteries and TV, male animals (lovers of fucking, possessing and having) find themselves, first of all, in war games, business and sex, female animals realize the same in love, family and children .


If an animal cheerfully seeks, vigorously conquers and greedily consumes what it naturally needs, we state that it is a healthy animal. If suddenly the animal eats sluggishly, without appetite, does not like to hunt, and often whines and looks with plaintive eyes — the dog is sick. And if such from birth — then a bad breed. Geek.

There are such people. Here is the girl. Unlike a healthy animal, cheerfully and joyfully satisfying its needs, it is a lethargic, dreary creature, not happy about life. High aspirations are alien to her, all her interests are to eat (without appetite), sometimes girlfriends (to be offended) and series (bored). She is irritable and neurotic. The only thing she loves is complaining about life, stupid people and her loneliness.

In fact, there are many varieties of spoiled animals, and not everything boils down to a loss of energy and appetite. A healthy animal means healthy instincts and healthy life programs, and in life you won’t find anything!

The whale washed up on the beach. The gray wolf attacked a flock of sheep, dragged one and cut all the others. The guard dog barked at the grey, but, meeting the grin of the wolf’s mouth, crawled in front of him on his belly and whined pitifully. The red-haired shepherd got drunk with grief and beat his wife.

Program crash. Aggressor. Coward. Fool.

Already a big boy Petya smears snot on his face: the girl Masha took the ball away from him. His brother Vasya, who ran up, pushed Masha into a puddle, threw the ball into the mud and broke all the Machine’s Easter cakes. Having won the ball from these morons, Tanya immediately lost interest in it and now plays with a rope.

Shaking and crying. Zlyuka. A dog in the hay.

The dog calmed down a long time ago, and the owner kept yelling and yelling, yelling and yelling. (Zhvanetsky M.M.)


Despite the fact that in biology we are all animals, in the way of life we ​​can be both animals and people, people. When in life we ​​think only about ourselves and do not think about others, we are animals.

Remember how it is recognizable in life. Two brothers, Petya and Vasya, fought over the ball and calmed down when their parents ran up to separate them. Normal children, in fact, puppies … After that, the parents began to yell at each other so that the other would not yell: ordinary ill-mannered parents, protecting only themselves and their own …

This is how people live, who are still animals. If we live in such a way that it is natural for us to take care not only of ourselves, we live as people. How is it? How would a person behave in these situations?

Let’s dream up: it seems that it is not difficult. The good boy Petya really liked someone else’s ball, but he did not take it away, but asked in a good way: «Don’t be a bastard, let me play!» And then his dad came out and with a real penknife he cut out a real flotilla for all the kids in the yard. Because it was a luxurious spring and thick streams ran faster than boots.

Indeed, sometimes you can take care of not only your own and your own. When you live as a Human, you do the main work of your life, going beyond your personal interests. You do it — (ultimately) for people, for others, not for yourself.

Which does not at all exclude your pride and satisfaction for what you are doing. And it assumes that you are wisely investing in yourself. If you don’t take care of the tool, you can’t do anything with it. You are, in a sense, also a tool.

For a person, the main line is not to take care only of oneself, but to leave a good mark after oneself. People, let’s live like people!

Unfortunately, not all people leave behind a good mark.


A twisted person (Homo Curvus) is a person who dreams of creativity, freedom and creation, but in fact leaves nothing behind, or even directly spoils life. That is, he does not care about himself, but about people, but in such a way that it would be better not to care, because people only get worse from his care. We wanted the best, it turned out, as always.

Here is the girl Masha and her mother. Masha wants a new Barbie doll for herself, so she roars louder and louder. Mother’s heart is not a stone, mother sighed… Now Mashenka is playing with Barbie, and mother will walk until spring in completely tattered boots.

Mashenka is a child, and mother is a fool. Sorry, a person with altruistic motivation. But still no head. She brings up her daughter — selfish?

Masha’s dad sometimes worked as a plumber and quarreled with his stupid wife every evening, but at heart he was a poet and often sang beautiful songs about true love to the guitar. What did he leave behind? A few good songs that he wrote, unpaid debts, the disappointment of his school teacher who believed in him so much — and children from different women in different cities.

High aspirations without a good head can turn out to be elementary stupidity. And sometimes — and a real danger.

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