Man is a dog’s friend: 5 rules for dealing with pets

A human-ruled world needs rules today that remind us of responsibility for animals. Do we treat our pets humanely? Zoopsychologist Nika Mogilevskaya tells how to check ourselves and understand whether we are behaving correctly with our dog.

The Five Freedoms of Animals is a charter developed in the UK in 1965. The document defined the standards that must be observed by specialists working with animals: veterinarians, breeders, farm workers.

In our country, the code has no legal force, but it will be interesting to learn about it for anyone who plans to have a pet. After all, not only we, the people, have the right to respect and a decent life.

Freedom from hunger and thirst

The dog should receive food selected according to its age, size and state of health. If this is a puppy, we choose a special food for puppies, if a small dog is a food for medium-sized breeds. Products for small and large breeds differ from each other in the composition of protein and trace elements: dogs need different amounts of them. But the size of the granules is not so important.

When choosing food, you need to take into account the characteristics of the health of the animal. Diseases of the genitourinary system, sensitive digestion and so on — for each of the problems there is proper nutrition.

The dog should not eat all the time: it is enough to feed him two to three times a day, depending on which feeding system you have chosen. Some owners prefer to feed natural women according to the so-called BARF system.

Naturalka is not just porridge with meat or canned food. If you are thinking about natural feeding, you should consult a veterinary nutritionist and create an individual diet that is right for your dog.

Your pet should always have access to clean water. Ideally — in an iron or ceramic, but not a plastic bowl.

Freedom from discomfort

Comfort and coziness for a dog is first of all safety. A dog needs a place of its own that is safe from its dog’s point of view. The bed should be primarily comfortable for the dog, and not beautiful for the owner — with embroidery and ruffles.

The couch must be placed so that they do not constantly walk past it, so that there are no drafts. And so that the dog can see who enters, who leaves, control what is happening in the room. Dogs often like to lie down near the door, at the threshold, but this is not the most suitable place for a bed.

You can look at where your pet often lies down and adjust his preferences by motivating him with toys, treats, and various types of positive reinforcement. It is important to remember that the “Place!” should not be used as a punishment.

The main rule of a comfortable dog life is not to touch the animal when it is sleeping or on the couch. The personal space of a pet is inviolable — this rule must be observed by all family members, including children. Ideally, only one member of the family should clean and wash the couch. And this should be done occasionally, as it gets dirty.

It is important to remember that hygiene for a dog is not the same as for a person. In general, dogs are very clean and for the most part do not need to be washed. If the pet swam in the lake or got caught in the rain, you can wash it entirely. Owners of dogs of decorative breeds should consult a veterinarian — they have their own care characteristics.

Most dogs require minimal «intervention»: it is enough to wash their paws after a walk and comb out their coat, especially during the molting period. However, rough-haired dog breeds do not shed on their own and need regular plucking (trimming), which provides them with hygiene and a timely change of hair.

Freedom from injury and disease

Taking care of the health of the animal is our responsibility. Any dog ​​should undergo a medical examination once a year — so the veterinarian will be able to identify possible diseases in it in advance. Upon reaching the age of seven, medical examinations can be done more often, especially for chronic ailments.

Due to the high pain threshold, dogs do not show their problems, so often the disease is detected at the stage when the caudate patient can no longer be helped. That is why early diagnosis is so important.

It is necessary to vaccinate the dog annually against rabies and other diseases, give a remedy for worms once a quarter, regularly treat it with flea and tick remedies. Fleas are just unpleasant, they cause skin problems, but ticks are the main danger. A tick bite can lead to piroplasmosis and death, and such cases are not uncommon.

Now, due to climate change, ticks do not sleep at all, so you need to monitor the safety of your pet all year round. There are special insecticidal collars, drops, tablets. Most owners choose a combination of collar and pills. The main thing is to apply drugs in a timely manner and change the collar.

Freedom of Species Behavior

When getting a dog, we must be prepared for the fact that he will dig, howl, bark, sniff the butts of other dogs, wallow in the mud — and this is normal for him! You can’t stop doing it. But it is possible to understand what caused these desires, and direct the energy of the animal in a peaceful direction. For example, so that the dog does not ruin the beds in the garden, you can find a suitable place on the site and make it attractive to the pet.

When a dog shows his species-typical behavior, he does it not out of harm, not to spite the owner. It is natural for you and me to cry, to scream, to have fun — it is also natural for a dog to behave in a certain way. It is important that we remember this and do not punish the pet. It is worth studying the literature on the behavior of dogs in order to know what is normal for them and what is a sign of stress or illness.

Freedom from grief and suffering

No animal should be subjected to physical or psychological violence, bullying. In this regard, we should remember «what is good and what is bad» for the dog, and not for ourselves. For example, excessive contact — hugs, excessive attention from adults or children — is stressful for the dog, real psychological abuse.

Sometimes pets are abandoned or given to shelters for sad reasons. For example, an animal, according to the owners, was supposed to rally the family — and failed to cope with this task … We can part with a partner who is not suitable for us: we are adults, we are responsible for our own decisions. Not so with dogs: we are responsible for them. We can’t just say to a pet, «Goodbye, you don’t live here anymore.» Although there are people who do.

On average, a dog lives from 10 to 20 years. If you still want to part with her after 3 days or years of marriage, your responsibility is to find her a new, good owner. Not to give to a shelter, not to throw out into the street, not to put to sleep. Now you are a representative of the dog, a negotiator, you are looking for a person who will definitely suit her. And remember the animal’s right to freedom from grief and suffering.

A change of owner always brings discomfort to the animal, and sometimes it becomes a tragedy for him, depending on how attached he was to him. But if you feel uncomfortable living with a dog, then she, most likely, is also not so pleasant to live with you. And if you still decide to part with your pet, do not relieve yourself of responsibility, but do not fall into guilt either. Look for a compromise and try not to forget your dog’s right to a happy life.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that in 2018 the President of Russia signed the law on responsible treatment of animals (Federal Law No. 27.12.2018-FZ of December 498, XNUMX), which provides for proper care of animals (including veterinary care and taking measures to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring in animals) is a mandatory requirement for the owner.

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