Man in front of a scanner mirror

The “Magic Mirror” is a screen that instantly displays the movements of a person standing opposite. Information from 16 sensors on the body, an image from 10 video cameras and data on the force with which a person presses on the floor when moving are instantly transmitted to a computer.

It instantly calculates the information and displays it as an image on the screen. The speed of technical operations creates a mirror effect.

Muscles that are most actively engaged in movement are highlighted in red, unused ones – in yellow. As soon as the person on this side of the screen stops, his mirror-image double turns yellow completely.

The invention is planned to be used in rehabilitation centers, computer games, and also in gyms… Just imagine how convenient it is – you work out in the gym, look in the mirror, and see which muscle group is involved at the moment. With this “feedback”, classes will become much more effective!

According to RIA News.

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