So, long hours of reflection and doubt are over. New breasts to be! But a lot of new questions immediately arise: where to start? Which implants are best? How to choose a doctor and clinic? The editorial staff of Woman’s Day and the candidate of medical sciences, plastic surgeon Dudnik Alexander Pavlovich, as well as plastic surgeon Bytdaev Zaur Makharovich are in charge.
First of all, you need to choose a clinic where the miraculous transformation will take place. It is worth paying attention to the website of the medical institution. And if at first glance everything is in order, come for a consultation and ask all your questions.
Clinics that practice plastic surgery are required to be licensed. There are two types of plastic surgery licenses: outpatient plastic surgery and inpatient care. If you see that the services of the clinic in which you are going to perform the operation are marked “outpatient plastic surgery”, then you should not operate there, since the intervention will be carried out unofficially, and you will not be given any supporting documents. All operations must be carried out strictly in a hospital environment!
It happens that clinics are divided into an advisory center and a hospital. Then you need to find out where the hospital is located, and, if possible, look at the license. Experts advise to check licenses on the portal or ask for the original. Any self-respecting clinic should not have any problems with this.
If, before the consultation at the clinic, you were not offered to fill out the contract and start the patient’s card, then you should think about whether this will be done later, will you get an extract in your hands after the operation? All consultations, all doctor’s advice must be entered in the card and are a serious legal document. This is the protection of the patient in case of disputable situations.
A true professional must first of all find out why a woman decides to have an operation. Often there are times when a woman comes with her husband and it is for him that she is going to have an operation. But the situation in your personal life can change! A woman has to do the operation for herself.
When choosing an implant, you need to be especially careful. Qualified surgeons place only silicone implants, not biogel implants. Biogel becomes hard after a while, and the breast will be very dense to the touch. Some well-known surgeons place gel implants for an additional fee.
But you shouldn’t risk your health and beauty. Unfortunately, there are much more complications with such implants, and the mammary gland looks unnatural. Since a silicone implant is a foreign body, which consists of a shell and silicone, it is a crime to install it without a lifetime warranty. For example, Mentor is the only manufacturer that not only provides a lifetime warranty worldwide, but also electronically records warranty certificates and transactions. Which is very convenient if you lose your warranty or need to go to a clinic in another country.
The choice of the implant and its size takes place in consultation. There are certain algorithms for measuring the chest and breast shape. Based on this, several types and sizes of implants are selected. We recommend trusting surgeons in this matter, as they have a very well developed sense of aesthetics. The doctor tries to choose such an implant so that the breast is teardrop-shaped, the halo is correct, looks a little upward and seems as natural as possible.
After consultation, it is necessary to undergo a preoperative examination and visit a mammologist. The doctor may order an ultrasound, CT, or mammogram.
If any deviations from the norm are detected, the doctor is obliged to refer the patient to related specialists and receive a consultation opinion that there are no contraindications to surgery. The operation is recommended in the first two weeks after menstruation.
After installing the implants, the patient should spend at least a day in the clinic and very strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations throughout the entire rehabilitation period.