Mammography reduces deaths from breast cancer

Thanks to mammography, the number of deaths from breast cancer is declining every year, according to scientists from London in the journal Radiology.

As one of the authors of the thesis, Professor Stephen Duffy, explains, breast cancer can develop over many years, so to check if mammography is effective, 130 people were examined. women for almost 30 years. It turned out that every year there are more and more women whose lives were saved by mammography.

The study compared a group of women who regularly had mammography with the group of women who did not. The results showed that in the group that regularly examined breasts, breast cancer died by as much as 30 percent. fewer ladies than in the control group. The researchers also found that for every 400 to 500 women tested, one mammogram saves a life.

Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly who will get breast cancer and who will not. But if you regularly get tested, you can diagnose cancer at an early stage of its development and the chances of it being cured are really great – summarizes the results of the work of his team, Prof. Duffy. (PAP)

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