Mammography for women: video
Mammography is one of the types of screening studies aimed at detecting the early stages of malignant and benign formations (breast cancers, fibroadenomas, cystic disease, etc.) in a wide group of the population in the absence of manifested symptoms.
Prevention is better than cure!
Every woman needs to know that it can take 3–8 years from the time a neoplasm appears to the onset of symptoms. At the stage of active manifestation of symptoms, therapeutic treatment is practically ineffectual. Experience shows that early treatment of oncological diseases (fixation of a tumor less than 5 mm in size cannot be detected by palpation) is much faster, cheaper and more effective with a high probability of complete recovery. It is often possible to do without surgery and chemotherapy.
Mammography is usually done after an initial examination by a mammologist. A special machine (mammograph) takes two pictures of each breast in a slightly flattened state (compression occurs between two plastic spoons). This is necessary to reduce the radiation dose and obtain high-quality images of the maximum breast area in different projections. The interpretation of images (mammograms) is carried out by a radiologist.
The procedure is completely painless, some discomfort may occur during the flattening itself, you do not need to endure, just inform the doctor about it, and he will reduce the pressure
All women aged 35 should have a mammogram. After 40 years, it must be done every two years, and after 50 years – every year or as directed by a doctor. This examination is recommended during the period from the 5th to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, when the chest is as relaxed as possible. For women during menopause, these restrictions are removed.
A strict contraindication for such a procedure is the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The next examination is carried out as directed by a doctor at intervals of several months to two years. With each re-session, you must have all the previous pictures for verification. Every woman who is not indifferent to her health should conduct a monthly self-examination of the mammary glands at home: it is enough every time after a shower or taking a bath to palpate the breast from the peri-nasal region to the base with light circular movements. All painful manifestations, as well as sensations of solid inclusions in the mammary gland, should be alerted. The latter is not at all a reason for panic, follow the formation for two to three days, if it changes size, grows or spreads, if it actively moves when pressed or begins to swell after palpation, consult a doctor immediately.
Many companies offer their employees a dispensary examination, this is a convenient way to conduct a preventive examination of their body, including a mammogram.
The most competent specialists in mammology work at research centers. If you have doubts about the diagnosis or the objectivity of the study, you can consult a doctor in Tula, Lyubertsy, Naberezhnye Chelny, Togliatti and other large cities.
According to WHO statistics, most women in our country neglect these simple but effective measures to prevent the development of deep pathology. And it’s not so much about physical discomfort as about psychological rejection. Do not put your life in jeopardy, do the examination regularly.
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