Mammographic biopsy – types of biopsy, course of the procedure, indications

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A mammogram biopsy is a simple and non-invasive test that can save a woman’s life. A breast biopsy is performed when your doctor notices disturbing changes in your breasts. It is worth remembering that early breast cancers have a much better chance of recovery. A mammography biopsy is performed using a needle from which a small piece of tissue is taken. This fragment is subjected to laboratory tests.

What does this procedure look like?

There are several types mammography biopsywhich differ in both the reliability of the results and the degree of invasiveness.

The first kind mammography biopsy is so-called fine needle biopsy, performed with a needle whose diameter does not exceed 0.8 mm. It is the least invasive but also the least reliable method of execution mammography biopsy.

A more reliable, but also more invasive method biopsy is so-called core needle biopsy. The needle used in this test is up to 3 mm thick.

Another method is mammotomy biopsywhich consists in vacuum retrieving a fragment of a disturbing change. It is actually a change core needle biopsy.

The last one, the most invasive, but also one that gives the most reliable results is surgical biopsywhich involves excision of the tumor and subjecting it to laboratory tests. After giving up mammography biopsy follow your doctor’s instructions.

When is a mammogram biopsy performed?

When during ultrasound examinations, the doctor notices changes inside the breast (most often small changes not exceeding 2 mm in diameter), or other disturbing symptoms, may refer you to mammotomy biopsy.

What does the mammography biopsy procedure look like?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, in the supine position. The doctor inserts a needle which vacuum sucks the lesion visible on the ultrasound. The doctor collects several fragments of the lesions, which are then sent for histopathological examination. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes, and after its completion, the patient has a bandage on her breast and a pressure bandage, which should be removed one day after its application. Due to the low invasiveness, there is no need for the patient to stay in the hospital after the procedure. It’s good to know that mammotomy biopsy is a procedure reimbursed by the National Health Fund and gives almost XNUMX% certainty of detecting cancer cells at an early stage of their development.

Also read: Breast conserving surgery

Why is a mammotomy biopsy such an important procedure?

The examination allows to detect neoplastic changes in the breasts at an early stage, which allows for quick and effective treatment. Breast cancers found in the early stages, like most cancers, have a much greater chance of recovery than those found in the later stages of the disease, so regular examination and prevention of breast cancer is very important. Treatments are performed in a hospital.

After the examination, the doctor may place a marker on the breast in order to be able to locate the place where the tissue fragment or the whole lump was taken, if necessary. Mammotonic biopsy it also allows for the removal of all nodules not exceeding 2,5 mm in diameter, leaving no sutures, only a plaster with a dressing and an almost invisible scar up to 3 mm long.

Of course, as with any examination, they also occur contraindications. These are among others:

  1. blood clotting disorders (including thrombosis),
  2. taking anticoagulants,
  3. allergy to anesthetics or other pharmaceuticals used during the procedure,
  4. keolid (i.e. a tendency to excessive wound healing),
  5. large changes in blood pressure
  6. tendency to faint,
  7. diabetes,
  8. HIV infection,
  9. hepatitis,
  10. pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In such cases, before undergoing the examination, please tell your doctor about your condition. He will then let us know if we can be tested or not. The doctor should also let us know about the possible complications after treatment. These may include swelling, hematoma, bruising or bleeding at the point where the needle was inserted.

Where is a mammotomy biopsy performed?

The places where it is performed mammotonic biopsiesare, inter alia:

  1. Cancer centers and hospitals (Institute-Oncology Center in Warsaw, Lower Silesian Cancer Center in Wrocław, IV Military Clinical Hospital also in Wrocław, Specialist Hospital No. 2 in Bytom, Regional Oncology Hospital in Szczecin, Provincial Oncology Center SPZOZ in Gdańsk, Świętokrzyskie Oncology Center in Kielce, Białystok Cancer Center in Białystok, Saint Raphael Hospital in Kraków),
  2. other oncology centers that have signed a contract with the National Health Fund or have equipment to perform such a procedure. In such facilities, the procedure costs from PLN 2 to PLN 3 privately.

A huge advantage mammoth biopsy, apart from its slight invasiveness, is its almost XNUMX% reliability and the fact that it can be used to remove small changes in their entirety.

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