Mamajuana – healing Dominican spirit

In the Dominican Republic, mamajuana is considered a drink that gives vitality and cures many diseases. This is the first thing that will be offered to drink to a tourist who has arrived in the country. I propose to learn more about this exotic tincture, especially since it can be made at home.

Мамахуана (Mamajuana) – the national alcoholic drink of the Dominican Republic, consisting of honey, rum and (or) wine infused with plant components: wood, bark, leaves, herbs and spices. Sometimes snails, mollusks, sea turtles, iguanas, caimans are also added to the recipe.

There is no classic mamajuana recipe. Each manufacturer has its own composition and proportions of ingredients, so the color, taste and strength of the tincture are different for everyone. Traditional Ingredients:

  • Behuko – a plant resembling a vine, has unique healing properties, is used for the bites of poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions;
  • Mukura is a herb with a bright garlic aroma;
  • Uncaria (“cat’s claw”) – for mamahuana, the leaves, bark and root of this plant are taken, which helps with flu and colds;
  • Soapweed is a plant with a tart taste reminiscent of ginger.

Also used in dry mixes: coconut palm, basil, agave, star anise, lime, rosemary, brown tree, lemon balm, etc.

Historical reference. The first infusions were made by the Indians of Haiti, shamans used these drinks to treat infertility in women. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the Spaniards colonized the island, they brought port wine with them.

The name “Mamajuana” comes from a woven pot-bellied bottle with a narrow neck, which is ideal for making tinctures. The Spaniards called this bottle “Dama Juana” or “Mama Juana”. They filled the vessel with Indian herbs and filled it with port (later rum).

Mamajuana – healing Dominican spirit
Bottle of Dama Juana

On sale you can find three types of mamajuana: dry in a bag for infusion at home, in a bottle with roots that are repeatedly poured with wine and rum to get new portions, and a clarified drink ready to drink.

Mamajuana – healing Dominican spirit
Dry mix
Mamajuana – healing Dominican spirit
Already with soaked roots
Mamajuana – healing Dominican spirit
pure tincture

Useful properties of mamahuana. Dominicans are sure that in moderation (30-50 ml) their tincture:

  • soothes the nervous system;
  • positively affects digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps with colds;
  • is a strong aphrodisiac – a substance that enhances sexual desire;
  • restores male power.

How to drink mamajuana

1. In its purest form. In the Dominican Republic, this tincture is drunk from glasses in one gulp or in small sips. Serving temperature – 20-23°C. Europeans prefer to pour mamajuana into a whiskey glass with ice. Lunch is not included.

2. With other drinks. Mamajuana is diluted with tropical juices: coconut, orange, lemon, pineapple or still mineral water. The proportion is 1:2 or 1:3 (one part of the tincture to two or three parts of juice or water). In some bars, mamajuana is substituted for rum in Mojito and Caiparinha cocktails, which gives the drinks an original spicy flavor.

Mamajuana Recipe

Most of the roots, herbs and spices from Mamajuana do not grow in Russia, so first you need to get a bag of ingredients (pictured) brought from the Dominican Republic. The easiest way is to order it via the Internet in Russian stores that import these roots. On average, the price of one sachet is 16-25 US dollars, but it can be used up to 30 times.


1. Pour the bag of ingredients into a bottle or glass jar.

2. Pour cheap alcohol (wine, vodka, cognac or gin), close tightly and shake well several times. If the mixture is filled with strong alcohol, keep in a dark place for 3-5 days, if with wine – 30 days. During this time, alcohol will absorb excess bitterness. Roots and sticks should become pinkish.

3. Drain alcohol. You can’t drink it, you can only use it for taking a bath, but it’s better to just pour it out, as the Dominicans do.

4. Next, mamahuana is done in two ways. The first is called “hard”, it will appeal to lovers of strong alcohol. It is enough to mix 3 parts of liquid honey and 7 parts of dark rum (replaced by cognac or whiskey), add liquid to a bottle with roots, close, shake and leave for a couple of days. After that, you can proceed to the tasting. It is not recommended to replace rum with vodka, as the taste deteriorates noticeably.

The second method is “soft”. You need to mix two parts of red wine, one part of rum and two tablespoons of honey. Pour the roots in a bottle with the resulting mixture and insist for several days.

With each new time, the infusion period must be increased (applies to both methods). One sachet lasts up to 30 times until the roots turn black.

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