
Wheat white beer with a fresh aroma, good thirst quencher, popular in summer. Sladovar is brewed in the Altai Territory and sold in almost all regions of Russia. The drink is not exported.

Historical reference. Produces “Sladovar” Borikhinsky brewery, built in 1991 in the Aleisky district of Altai. In 2012, the plant was privatized, and European equipment was installed at the expense of the new owner and the workshops were reconstructed. This made it possible to triple production volumes without disturbing the traditional beer brewing process.

Bitter, aromatic and Žatec varieties of hops are used in production. Caramel malt is added rather than colorings and flavorings to obtain brown shades of color and a sweetish aftertaste. Brewing methods are similar to those used in Czech breweries. This is not surprising, since the plant’s leading specialists have been trained at Czech breweries and maintain partnership relations with them.


Features of the plant’s products

For the production of all types of beer and soft drinks, soft water is used from an artesian well on the territory of the plant.

Beer is not subjected to pasteurization, it retains the whole complex of natural ingredients, which provides a natural malt-hop taste.

Fermentation of the must occurs at a temperature of +6-8 °C in the bottom way.

The original triple purification technology is used – using carbon filters.

In addition to beer, the plant produces live (unpasteurized) kvass and carbonated soft drinks with the addition of natural syrups. The beer case consists of nine brands, including the branded “Borihinskoe” and “Sladovar”.

The largest number of brand fans live in Siberia – in Altai, in the Novosibirsk region, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Characteristics of beer Sladovar

Sladovar is a typical white wheat beer with a characteristic haze and sediment flakes at the bottom of the bottle. Malted wheat and barley malt were used as the basis for the creation. The unclarified and unpasteurized drink has a bright yellow tint, a fresh aroma and a traditional strength for light beer – 4%.


Beer is served chilled to +7-8 °С. To feel the full-bodied taste, the sediment in the bottle must be shaken and poured into a glass. White unfiltered – an aperitif, it can be served without an appetizer or simply with a slice of lemon. But unlike dark and standard varieties, which are good only in the afternoon or between lunch and dinner, Sladovar can become a natural and harmonious accompaniment to meat and fish dishes, light vegetable salads and spicy snacks. Beer is traditionally paired with smoked sausages and salted nuts.

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