
Useful properties and application of mallow

Description of mallow


Mallow – This is an amazing medicinal plant that grows in Africa, North America and Eurasia. Most often it is a biennial plant, although there are cases when the mallow lives only one year. The plant is a low grass with a length of 30 to 120 cm. At the base, the stem is always pubescent, and along its entire length it remains bare. The root of the mallow is pivotal and has a pronounced branching. The stem of the plant is straight along the entire length.

Leaves grow on long petioles of the plant attached to the stem. They have the shape of a rounded heart, and are serrated along the edges. The leaf blade is pubescent, it is divided into five or seven lobes. Mallow blooms unusually beautifully. From June to August you can admire beautiful large flowers. They often have five petals, painted in hot pink or red. The shape of the flowers are oblong ovoid with deep notches.

On each petal of a mallow flower there are three dark stripes along its entire length. The fruit of the presented plant is usually dry. When ripe, it always breaks up into several small parts.

Useful properties of mallow

The chemical composition of the plant is little studied. But it is known that mallow contains a large amount of vitamin C and A, carotene, and also secretes mucus. The seeds of the plant contain about 18% fatty oils. Mallow mucus has unique healing properties to a greater extent. It is thanks to this mucus that such a wonderful plant has an excellent enveloping effect. Mallow perfectly helps to thin and remove sputum, and is also actively used as part of strengthening agents.

Application of mallow

In case of serious diseases of the throat, inflammation of the oral cavity, it is recommended to use special tinctures and various decoctions with the addition of mallow. Thanks to this particular medicinal plant, the mucous membranes are quickly restored, and the inflammation disappears. Mallow is often used as a compress for extensive wounds and ulcers. With swelling of the eyes, it is also recommended to use a special compress using such a medicinal plant.

Thanks to mallow phytoestrogens, breast compresses significantly improve tissue elasticity. It should be mentioned that this medicinal plant is widely used in cosmetology. Mallow extract is used as a vitamin remedy that helps moisturize the skin and fight various purulent inflammations. You can also notice mallow in the composition of medical cosmetics, which helps to restore the epidermis.

Growing mallow


Mallow tolerates drought well, is a very unpretentious plant. It grows well in fertile soils. The plant always needs watering, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Mallow should be sown in mid-May, closer to the beginning of June. Then in July next year it will already be possible to admire its beautiful flowers. Usually mallow is sown at their permanent place of residence immediately after the cultivation of the land. You can also use special seedlings. In this case, you need to sow the seeds in May and place them in a greenhouse.

After a few leaves develop, the plant can be transplanted. Due to the fact that the mallow grows very actively, it is necessary to place seedlings at a distance of 40 to 60 centimeters from each other. It is also recommended to plant this unique plant along a fence or in open areas. You can have mallow, as a single plant, and in a group.

The presented plant is difficult to tolerate winter in temperate latitudes. In order to protect the mallow, it is worth transferring it to a greenhouse or placing it in the basement for a period of cold weather. I would like to note that mallow buds continue to bloom after cutting them, you just need to put them in water.

Malva seeds

The seeds of this medicinal plant contain about 18% fatty oils. The ancient Egyptians used the seeds as an amazing remedy for the complete cleansing of the respiratory tract from various pathogens. The Arabs preferred to use the seeds as an addition to coffee. And in eastern countries, mallow is considered a very common seasoning for food.

Currently, crushed mallow seeds can be used by adding to tea. It is recommended to add a small amount of seeds, add a little honey for a sweet aftertaste, and then pour over with your favorite brand of tea.

mallow root

The powerful root of the plant can also be used for medicinal purposes. From it, a delicious decoction is obtained, known for its unique beneficial properties. You can use the decoction as an external agent, as well as use it inside. In addition, a unique tincture based on mallow roots is widely used for the effective treatment of various inflammations and compresses.

In China, mallow root is used as a medicine for the treatment of dangerous bronchitis and pneumonia. In Tibetan medicine, this plant is used as a diuretic. In addition, the roots are prescribed for colds, coughs, as well as for numerous diseases of the stomach and for the treatment of diarrhea.

mallow leaves

In folk medicine, mallow leaves are used as an excellent remedy for inflammation. You can easily prepare a healing infusion at home. To do this, 20 grams of crushed leaves must be added to 200 ml of ordinary warm water. Such a fantastic mixture should be infused for about 2 hours, after which it should be filtered. It is recommended to take this mixture twice a day at the first manifestations of a cold and with symptoms of bronchitis. Fresh leaves of the plant can be applied to wounds and extensive inflammation on the skin.

With serious diseases of the spleen, you can make a special therapeutic bath. It is worth taking about 200 grams of mallow leaves, add Chernobyl and chamomile to them, in an amount slightly less than mallow, and then mix with a small amount of grains. You need to insist this exceptional mixture in a liter of water for at least a day. After that, you can fill the bath with infusion and take it before going to bed. It should be mentioned that various decoctions using the leaves of the plant are also used as emollients and anti-inflammatory agents.

Mallow extract

The miraculous extract of mallow has been used since ancient times. It is easily obtained by soaking the leaves and flowers of mallow. Due to the presence of essential vitamins and amino acids in it, it effectively relieves swelling and soothes the skin. The incomparable extract is considered an excellent stimulant that wonderfully regenerates the skin by stimulating cell regeneration. It should be noted the acceleration of cell metabolism and collagen synthesis.

Moreover, this excellent extract has a beneficial effect on the regulation of skin cell maturation. Thanks to the polysaccharides that are part of the flowers of the plant, a gel is made. It has a calming effect on the skin. Mallow is widely used in cosmetics. You can see the presence of this plant on tubes of baby shampoos, various makeup removers, creams for sensitive skin, refreshing shower gels and various balms.

Malva tea


The tea drink, which contains mallow, is extremely useful, first of all, for the digestive system. Thanks to a number of useful and healing properties, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines, and also fights diarrhea. In addition, herbal tea with mallow has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect for the oral cavity. It also helps fight bad coughs. Due to the presence of polysaccharides and mucus, the plant is excellent at thinning sputum and helping to remove it from the lungs.

After prolonged use of such a wonderful tea with mallow, the cough becomes much softer and more productive, and sputum is gradually expectorated. You can prepare such a drink yourself. To do this, add 2 teaspoons of well-chopped mallow to a quarter liter of water. You can also use the flowers and leaves of the plant. The mixture should be infused for about 10 hours, it is advisable to stir it from time to time.

After infusion, it is recommended to carefully strain the tea. It can be used as a substitute for regular tea. To enhance the expectorant effect of the drink, you can add a spoonful of honey to a glass of tea. You can drink this tea for the prevention of cough, flu and other infectious diseases. Tea is used not only for drinking it inside, but also for external use. In case of inflammation, it should be used as a mouthwash.

Malva for weight loss

One of the areas of application of this plant is home remedies for weight loss. You can make your own herbal remedy. It is necessary to dry the leaves and flowers of the mallow, then grind them thoroughly. Take the mixture in an amount of 10 grams, add the same amount of borage flowers. Having added one glass of water, you need to boil this effective mixture for 20 minutes. After cooling the broth to room temperature, it should be filtered. This remedy is used for oral administration for one month.

Mallow contraindications

Mallow is a fairly safe product. Numerous means and pharmacological preparations created on the basis of the plant also have no contraindications. The only restriction to use is an allergy to mallow.

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