Malina Tatiana

Raspberry varieties, as well as other fruit and garden crops, today there are a lot. Among them you can find remontant, thornless, large-fruited, late and early, with berries of an unusual taste and color. It has been noticed that gardeners and summer residents prefer ordinary, time-tested varieties to all “exotics”, such raspberries from which you can cook fragrant jam and enjoy fresh berries for as long as possible. One of these varieties is raspberry Tatyana. In principle, this variety is simple, but raspberries have their own secrets.

Malina Tatiana

Description of the raspberry variety Tatyana, photos and reviews about it can be found in this article. Interesting facts about this raspberry will be given here, it will be told about how to properly grow a variety.

Detailed characteristics of the variety

The raspberry variety Tatyana was selected in Our Country, which means that it is well adapted to local conditions and climate. Often sellers of raspberry seedlings claim that Tatyana is a remontant variety. However, this assertion is erroneous. The confusion in the definition arose due to Tatyana’s very long and extended fruiting period: the berries form and ripen much longer than in other non-repairable varieties.

Malina Tatiana

Attention! Although Tatyana’s raspberries show a slight remontance, they need to be cut off, just like ordinary varieties: without removing the shoots under the root.

Of the interesting features of the variety, you can also note the very weak thorniness of the shoots – Tatyana’s bushes have practically no thorns. The bushes look very compact and even decorative due to the fact that each plant produces only about 12 replacement shoots.


Before buying seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the raspberry variety Tatyana. A detailed description of this culture is as follows:

  • raspberries ripen mid-early;
  • extended fruiting – the crop can be harvested from the beginning of July until the last days of August;
  • for the season it will be possible to collect 5-6 full-fledged crops of Tatyana;
  • the yield is generally high – up to ten kilograms of berries from each bush;
  • raspberries hold well on the stalks, while breaking off easily, without much effort;
  • raspberries are large, each berry weighs from 12 to 20 grams;
  • the surface of the fruit is bumpy, the berries are dense;
  • when ripe, raspberries become pale red, a slight mohrosity of the fruit appears;
  • the seeds in the berries are practically not felt, as they are very small and soft;
  • the taste of Tatyana raspberry fruits is excellent: moderately sweet, with a slight sourness;
  • raspberry pulp is dense, but tender and juicy;
  • Tatyana’s aroma is rich, leaving a long pleasant aftertaste;
  • fruits of universal purpose (excellent fresh, suitable for making compotes, desserts, preserves and jams, show themselves well in freezing);
  • the frost resistance of the Tatyana variety is high – the bushes are able to withstand a decrease in temperature in winter to -30 degrees;
  • raspberries have immunity against aphids, and this insect often carries various infections;
  • Tatyana is resistant to root rot and various fungal infections;
  • raspberries are unpretentious, not picky about the composition of the soil or the peculiarities of the climate – the Tatyana variety is great for beginners and inexperienced gardeners.

Malina Tatiana

Attention! Although the variety is highly frost-resistant, summer residents from areas with cold but thaw winters will have to cover the bushes. Raspberry Tatyana has weak roots that die immediately after icing.

Pros and cons of the variety

Large-fruited raspberries Tatyana has the main plus – beautiful large berries, the photo of which, rather, resembles an illustration to a fairy tale. However, this variety also has other advantages, such as:

  • high taste qualities;
  • suitability of the crop for transportation (dense berries do not drain);
  • long fruiting period;
  • high yield;
  • easy reproduction, due to the large number of shoots;
  • resistance to various diseases and pests;
  • high frost resistance;
  • the compactness of the bushes, which allows you to grow raspberries in small areas.

Malina Tatiana

Important! Any raspberry should not be planted in the shade or on wet soils. Whatever immunity the variety has, the plant will certainly begin to hurt and rot.

The raspberry variety Tatyana also has some disadvantages. Of these qualities it is worth noting the pronounced ability of the bush to grow, which forces the gardener to constantly thin out the raspberries, monitor its shape and size. Do not forget about the recommendations regarding the shelter of raspberries for the winter: Tatyana, nevertheless, it is advisable to cover or at least use mulch to protect the roots from freezing.

Growing rules

Reviews about the Tatyana variety are mostly positive. The first thing that gardeners and summer residents note is the unpretentiousness of culture. Raspberry seedlings take root well, grow quickly and give a good harvest the next year. If you take care of the raspberries, water, fertilize and properly cut the shoots, then the yield of the Tatyana variety can be increased several times.

Malina Tatiana

Attention! Raspberry Tatiana is also recommended to be grown on an industrial scale: not only in summer cottages, but also on farmer fields, this variety pleases with stable yields of tasty and large berries.

How to plant a raspberry

Variety Tatyana, most often, propagated by seedlings with an open or closed root system. It is better to buy seedlings in proven nurseries, giving preference to raspberries with a closed root system.

Tatiana’s seedlings are planted in the fall, if the soil is not frozen, it is possible to plant at the beginning of winter (after that, the raspberries must be covered). Seedlings with a closed root system can withstand summer heat, so they can be planted even in summer, but this is best done in mid-spring.

Malina Tatiana

Advice! The place for raspberries should be well lit by the sun, be on a flat area, be protected from strong winds and drafts.

Planting raspberry Tatyana is performed as follows:

  1. With a shovel or garden pitchfork, they dig a hole, the dimensions of which are 0,4×0,4×0,4 meters.
  2. It is necessary to leave about 120 cm between adjacent bushes. It is recommended to make the aisles wider – about 150 cm, in order to take care of the raspberry and harvest it was convenient.
  3. A mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers is added to each prepared pit: rotted manure, potassium chloride and superphosphate. After this, the fertilizer must be thoroughly mixed with the ground.
  4. Now we water with 10-13 liters of water and let it soak completely.
  5. Immediately proceed to the direct planting of a raspberry seedling. Place it in the center of the pit, carefully straighten the roots and gradually sprinkle with dry fertile soil.
  6. Now, near each seedling of Tatyana, you need to make a groove and pour a bucket of water.

Malina Tatiana

Propagating raspberries Tatyana is very simple. It is enough to buy a few seedlings, and next year get a couple of dozen replacement shoots (shoots). By rooting these shoots, gardeners get quite viable raspberry seedlings.

How to care

As already mentioned, Tatyana is not a remontant raspberry, so you need to take care of her like an ordinary variety. In order for the crops to please, the owner of the raspberry must do the following:

  • weed the aisles in the raspberries, removing all weeds and loosening the soil 3-5 cm deep. This will help the roots “breathe” and save the raspberries from fungal infections.

    Malina Tatiana

  • To prevent the soil from drying out and cracking, it is advisable to use mulch. Sawdust, straw, peat, humus, mowed grass are suitable as a mulching layer for Tatyana.
  • Watering raspberries is a must, especially if the summer turned out to be dry. Usually, watering is stopped after the formation of berries, and resumed immediately after the last harvest. The raspberries that have been “drunk” since autumn winter better.

    Malina Tatiana

  • Tatyana’s thick bushes are recommended to be thinned out by cutting out excess shoots and shoots. If this is not done, the rows will become too dense, which will affect the quantity and quality of berries. Poor ventilation can lead to raspberry infection, slugs and other parasites.
  • It is necessary to harvest the Tatyana variety in a timely manner. Although the berries hold well on the stalks, they do not crumble to the ground, but when overripe, they are not very tasty. In addition, ripened fruits interfere with the development of the next wave of the crop.

    Malina Tatiana

  • Pruning non-remontant raspberries should be done twice a year. In autumn, two-year-old shoots that bear fruit are cut out, diseased and weak branches are removed. In the spring, gardeners carry out preventive pruning of raspberries: cut out frozen or dry branches, cut young shoots a few centimeters.

    Malina Tatiana

  • So that Tatyana’s roots are not covered with ice, it is better to protect them. In this case, humus mulch works great: it serves both as a shelter and as a fertilizer. The thickness of the protective layer should be at least 5 cm. You can also use sawdust or dry leaves.
  • In the spring, Tatiana’s raspberries are fed with mineral fertilizers, focusing on potassium and phosphorus, but since autumn it is allowed to use organic matter (mullein, bird droppings, humus, compost, wood ash).

    Malina Tatiana

In general, it is easy to care for the Tatyana variety – even a beginner can handle it. And in return, raspberries will reward the gardener with an excellent harvest of large berries.

Write Your Review

Vera Pavlovna, Krasnodar Territory
Raspberry Tatyana has been growing in our garden for twenty years, it was planted by my grandmother. For me, the taste of its berries is the taste of childhood, because that is how the raspberries that were grown 30-40 years ago smelled. To some, Tatiana’s taste may seem boring, but she makes a very fragrant jam that saves from the flu, colds and other ailments. The berries are always large, sweet, all beautiful and whole as a selection. We live in the Krasnodar Territory, we do not insulate raspberries. I feed Tatyana only once a year – in the spring I apply a complex mineral fertilizer. I cut it in the same way as all my other varieties: I don’t touch it in the fall, and I cut the shoots in the spring, leaving 40-50 cm.


Malina Tatiana

Even with minimal care, the Tatyana variety will please with a stable harvest. Although this raspberry does not belong to remontant species, it bears fruit for a very long time, allowing you to harvest several crops over the summer. The berries are large, beautiful, dense, have a pleasant taste and strong aroma. We can recommend the Tatyana variety to beginner gardeners, as well as to those who want to grow berries for commercial purposes.

Garden head – How to care for raspberries

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