Malina Tadmor

The most valuable qualities of raspberries are considered to be the taste of berries, their size and quantity. Today, there are a lot of imported varieties and hybrids on sale that meet all of the above requirements. Raspberry Tadmor has become one of the latest developments of foreign breeders. In addition to the excellent taste and strong berry aroma, the variety also boasts the fact that its fruits are very large, even giant. This is not to say that Tadmor raspberry is a good option for beginners or inexperienced gardeners. This hybrid is more likely to suit connoisseurs of elite types of berries and, of course, farmers who grow raspberries for sale.

Malina Tadmor

A detailed description of the latest raspberry variety Tadmor with photos and reviews of domestic farmers is in this article. Here we will talk about the strengths of the variety and some of its shortcomings. In addition, those who first come across a large-fruited foreign hybrid will find brief recommendations for growing such crops below.

Hybrid description

Work on the development of a new raspberry variety in New Zealand began in 1990. Breeders from the Institute of Horticulture and Food Research crossed two technical hybrids Orus 576-47 (seed parent) and 86105N4.4 (pollen parent).

Attention! The right holder of the variety is the New Zealand concern The Horticulture And Food Research Institute Of New Zealand Limited.

Later, the Tadmor variety was tested in the UK, after which it was recognized as a strong player in the European raspberry market. The researchers highly appreciated the combination of late fruit ripening and excellent taste of berries. Tadmor is also distinguished by its excellent ability to take root in different climatic conditions, which makes the variety versatile and unpretentious.

Malina Tadmor

The copyright holder gives the following description of the Tadmor raspberry variety:

  • fruiting in raspberries later – the berries ripen only in the third decade of August (according to research data, Tadmor bears fruit later than the latest popular varieties);
  • berries ripen on the shoots of the previous year (fruiting on two-year-old shoots allows the variety to be classified as a so-called summer species);
  • Tadmor’s shoots are long, can grow up to 230 cm, their thickness is average;
  • annual shoots of anthocyanin shade, there are few thorns on them, they are soft and not sharp;
  • two-year-old branches are painted red-brown, their hissing is weak, the thorns are short and few;
  • this raspberry gives a lot of replacement shoots, so there are no difficulties with the propagation of the variety;
  • very characteristic of Tadmor is the fact that in the spring the shoots of this raspberry are shown one of the first, although the variety is late;
  • leaves are large, complex shape, wrinkled, whitish on the reverse side;
  • the bushes are not very leafy, so picking berries is very easy;
  • the shape of the berries is conical, elongated;
  • ripe raspberries are painted in bright red, more of a light shade;
  • even when overripe, the fruits do not darken;
  • the average weight of berries is 6,9 grams, often there are “giants” weighing 9-10 grams;
  • the length of the fruit, on average, is 4 cm (raspberry Tadmor is larger than the more famous Tulamin);
  • berries are shiny, with dense but juicy pulp;
  • the drupe of the fruit is well linked, does not crumble, provides the fruits with strength and keeping quality;
  • the taste is very good, dessert, sweet and sour, with a pronounced berry aroma (however, there are several similar varieties, the fruit of which have a more refined taste);
  • in accordance with the assessment of taste, Tadmor can rather be called an industrial variety with a dessert bias;
  • Tadmor berries are very marketable: the fruits do not crumple, do not flow, tolerate transportation well, and can be stored for up to four days;
  • fruits are not baked in the sun;
  • New Zealand raspberries are resistant to many diseases, such as gray mold, fungal and viral infections, the dangerous RBDV virus;
  • Tadmor’s winter hardiness is good – no worse than other varieties common in Our Country;
  • raspberries withstand frosts down to -30 degrees without shelter;
  • the yield of foreign raspberries is high – about three kilograms per bush (this is quite enough for successful cultivation on an industrial scale).

Malina Tadmor

Important! The variety is suitable for machine harvesting, but the copyright holder warns that as a result of harvesting, unripe fruits may remain on the shoots (since the berries are very well linked to the petioles).

Advantages and disadvantages

There are still very few reviews about the Tadmor raspberry variety, and it is still difficult to find a complete description of this culture. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about the pronounced pros and cons of this culture. Domestic farmers are just beginning to get acquainted with the new raspberries, even those who have already planted a variety on their plot have not yet received a full-fledged harvest. Therefore, the qualities of New Zealand raspberries can be considered conditional, not tested in the realities of the climate.

Malina Tadmor

Tadmor raspberry has the following advantages:

  • dessert taste with a good balance of sugar and acid;
  • high yields, sufficient for both private and industrial cultivation;
  • very large sizes of berries, which cannot but attract buyers;
  • the density of the fruit, allowing you to store the crop for several days;
  • fleshy and aromatic pulp;
  • average frost resistance;
  • immunity to viral and fungal diseases;
  • a sufficient amount of overgrowth and strong growth of the bush, responsible for the simple reproduction of Tadmor.
Attention! One of the main drawbacks can be considered the lack of accurate data on the success of growing Tadmor raspberries in different climatic zones of Our Country.

Malina Tadmor

Despite the fact that in practice, gardeners in the north and south have not yet had time to check the viability and resistance of the Tadmor variety, based on the characteristics of this raspberry, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • farmers from the southern regions of the country with a hot and arid climate should prepare for regular and abundant watering of raspberries (it is better to use drip irrigation systems);
  • farmers from the North will definitely have to cover raspberries for the winter, after tying and bending the bushes to the ground.

Summing up, we can conclude: Tadmor is an excellent variety for growing in small and medium-sized farms. This raspberry often occupies an empty niche, because in late summer and early autumn it is very difficult to find fresh berries. Late ripening, the presentation of large berries and their dessert taste will certainly become the key to the successful implementation of a considerable harvest.

Malina Tadmor

Advice! An amateur gardener can also try to grow the Tadmor variety, because this raspberry is not capricious, and there should be no difficulties with growing it. But the late harvest of giant berries will definitely bring variety and become the envy of all neighbors.

Agricultural practices

Raspberry Tadmor, in principle, should be grown in the same way as other “summer” varieties that bear fruit on last year’s shoots. Agricultural technology for such crops has been worked out for years and is known even to a novice summer resident.

Malina Tadmor

First of all, a suitable place is chosen for the raspberry. Variety Tadmor requires the following growing conditions:

  • nutritious and loose soil;
  • sufficient spacing between neighboring plants;
  • excess sun;
  • protection against strong wind and draft;
  • elevated area where moisture will not stagnate.

Malina Tadmor

Attention! Dense and poor soils are not suitable for vigorous raspberries with large berries – in such conditions, Tadmor will die.

Planting and care

You can plant raspberries both in spring and autumn – the choice of a specific planting time depends on the climatic and weather conditions in the growing region. It is important to plant Tadmor seedlings at a time when buds have not yet blossomed on the shoots or there are already no leaves.

Advice! In view of the late fruiting of Tadmor raspberry, it is better to plant it in the spring. After the return of the crop, the bushes will not have time to recover and gain strength before the cold weather, necessary for the formation of roots and engraftment in a new place.

Malina Tadmor

Seedlings are recommended to be placed at intervals of 70-100 cm between adjacent bushes. So that plantings of tall raspberries with a large number of shoots do not thicken, no more than 5-7 plants should be placed on each square meter of the site. A denser planting of raspberries will lead to rapid depletion of the soil, shrinkage of berries, and a deterioration in their taste.

Malina Tadmor

Experienced farmers recommend installing supports near Tadmor bushes. So the bushes will not bend under the weight of the crop, the plants will be able to better ventilate, the branches will not break. The optimal support height is 200-220 cm, the first wire is pulled at a level of 150 cm from the ground.

After planting raspberries and installing supports, all that remains is to wait for the first harvest. During the development of the bushes, mandatory care is required:

  1. Mulching the soil around Tadmor bushes using peat, humus, straw, sawdust or dry leaves. The protective layer will save the earth from drying out and will not allow the roots to overheat.

    Malina Tadmor

  2. Watering Tadmor during periods of drought should be regular and plentiful. In order not to miscalculate with the amount of water, it is better to install a drip irrigation system. If the summer turned out to be not very hot and rainy, additional moisture is not required for large-fruited raspberries.
  3. It is necessary to fertilize the Tadmor variety a little more often than ordinary raspberries. If there is not enough nutrition for the bushes, this will greatly affect the size and number of berries. Organics and nitrogen-mineral complexes are excellent as nutrition.
  4. You need to trim Tadmor bushes in the same way as other two-year-old varieties. The fruiting shoots are completely cut out, the young ones are cut to about one third of the height (the correct pruning is shown in the photo below).

    Malina Tadmor

  5. If the climate in the growing region is cold, raspberries with Tadmor will have to be covered for the winter. For these purposes, you can use spruce branches, agrofibre, improvised building materials.
Important! You can not rush to harvest Tadmor raspberries, because its fruiting is extended for 8-10 days, and the berries are not prone to overripe, shedding.

Write Your Review

Igor Viktorovich
I ordered several bushes of Tadmor via the Internet last year – now I’m waiting for the harvest! Before buying, I tried to find as much information as possible about the variety, but I only managed to “scrape” a few facts bit by bit. I plan to grow Tadmor in the same way as other two-year-old raspberries from my garden. An acquaintance living in Poland that summer sent me photos of bushes with berries and the fruits themselves – of course, the size and quantity of raspberries are simply amazing. Before that, I grew Tulamen, I liked everything about this variety, except for the insufficiently high yield. I hope that the New Zealand novelty will not fail in this regard.


Malina Tadmor

Tadmor is a new and not yet fully studied variety, but this raspberry clearly deserves the attention of farmers. It is not difficult to grow a culture, it is not capricious, it adapts well to any climate. Tadmor can be safely called a universal raspberry, because it is perfect for both private and industrial cultivation.

Summer raspberries Tadmor on the farm Batkiv Sad

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