Malina Mishutka

The new Altai variety of non-remontant raspberry Mishutka, by right, can be called one of the most controversial. Although this raspberry is very popular among summer residents and gardeners of the country, many people avoid it because of the large number of fakes and a whole stream of false information. Advertising, of course, is the engine of trade, but in this case, it only harms: the Mishutka variety actually has many advantages, it does not need extra praise (all the more far from the truth). Farmers love the Altai variety for its unpretentiousness, excellent adaptability, generous yields and rich taste. Mishutka also has other valuable qualities, but over the years of selection, only one drawback has been identified – not very large sizes of berries.

Malina Mishutka

Photos, description of the variety, reviews and characteristics of raspberry Mishutka: comprehensive information is collected in this article. And here it will be told about the secrets of growing Altai raspberries and how best to care for them.

Features & Features

The character of raspberry Mishutka can be safely called Siberian: this variety is able to grow and develop in almost any conditions. That’s why Bear is recommended for growing in regions with a difficult climate, where the coldest and longest winters.

Malina Mishutka

The history of selection of the new Altai raspberry variety begins in the 60s of the last century. It was at this time that scientists from the Gorno-Altai Institute named after M.A. Lisavenko set themselves a difficult and difficult task – to plant greenery in the harsh regions of Altai and Siberia and plant them with flowering fruit and berry crops.

Later, the baton was taken over by a scientist from the same region V.M. Zeryukov, who owns the authorship and development of the most famous varieties of raspberries and other berry crops in the XNUMXth century.

Malina Mishutka

Attention! Professor Zeryukov had one habit: he called the most successful and favorite varieties of raspberries the names of his relatives and friends. So, the variety Mishutka was named after the grandson of the scientist, and this indicates the highest rating from the manufacturer himself.

It was possible to get Mishutka after crossing two outstanding thornless varieties: the Altai raspberry Brilliant and the large-fruited offspring of Kichina – Stolichnaya. As a result, Mishutka adopted all the strengths of his “parents”: the absence of thorns on the shoots, the large size of the berries, and the suitability for growing in difficult climates.

Qualities and external signs

The description of the Mishutka raspberry variety is often distorted for advertising purposes. Although, if you plant a real seedling of this hybrid, you can be sure that the Altai species, indeed, have a lot of advantages.

Malina Mishutka

Characteristics of Mishutka from the copyright holder:

  • raspberries are not remontant species, bear fruit on last year’s shoots;
  • the ripening time of berries is very dependent on the climate (in the south, the variety is classified as super early, in the center and north of the country, raspberry ripening is medium early);
  • extended fruiting – you can harvest for several weeks;
  • the standard height of the bushes is from 140 to 180 cm, the plant is compact (raspberry habitus is very related to the degree of moisture, soil composition, the amount of top dressing, weather conditions);
  • Mishutka’s shoots are powerful, thick, not prone to breaking off, as they have sufficient flexibility;
  • there are no thorns on the bark, as well as a wax coating – the shoot is smooth, velvety to the touch, with a slight down (pubescence protects the raspberry stem from drying out under the scorching sun, does not allow pests to penetrate inside the shoot);
  • the surface of the stems of Mishutka is not prone to cracking;
  • there are many internodes on raspberry shoots, which guarantees the growth of a large number of fruit branches;
  • the thickness of the laterals (fruit-bearing shoots) is large, so they do not break, they hold the crop well;
  • the length of the laterals is usually 30-35 cm, on each of these shoots there are from 15 to 20 ovaries;
  • replacement shoots (in a simple way, shoots) are not too plentiful, which makes it possible to propagate the Mishutka variety without problems, while at the same time not struggling with the growth of the bush all season;
  • berries on one brush do not ripen at the same time;
  • the shape of the Mishutka fruit is round, spherical;
  • raspberries are painted in a rich scarlet shade;
  • the average fruit weight is 3-4 grams, sometimes raspberries grow up to 6-7 grams;
  • drupes of medium density, Mishutka berries do not crumble, do not “flow” after harvest;
  • the taste of the Altai variety is the most standard: raspberry, with a good balance of acid and sugar, a pleasant aroma;
  • the pulp is very dense, although juicy;
  • the transportability of the Mishutka crop is very good – the crop does not deteriorate for a long time, it can be stored for several days and, without fear, transported over long distances
  • the yield of the Altai Mishutka is very decent – about three to four kilograms from each bush (at the same time, gardeners say that these figures can be easily raised to seven kilograms if you fertilize raspberries more abundantly and regularly water the bushes).

Malina Mishutka

Important! The purpose of the raspberry Mishutka is rather technical. From the crop of this variety, excellent jams, marmalades, compotes, jellies and fillings for baking are obtained. Dense berries perfectly tolerate freezing, they can even be dried.

Adaptation and resilience

Malina Mishutka is a real Siberian wrestler, because in a harsh climate it is impossible to do otherwise. And The variety receives positive feedback from farmers from all over the country: from north to south. All this, thanks to the excellent adaptive qualities of the Mishutka variety – this raspberry can take root in almost any climate.

The Altai variety has very good frost resistance, up to -35 degrees, the shrub will calmly withstand without any shelter. Of course, in regions with more severe winters, it is better to bend the bushes to the ground and throw snow over them – this is more reliable.

Malina Mishutka

Mishutka has several other important abilities:

  • the shrub tolerates inter-seasonal and winter desiccation by winds;
  • does not freeze after short-term thaws;
  • seldom fades in early spring conditions.

The advantages of the Mishutka variety do not end there, This raspberry is also very resistant to various diseases and pests.. The list of diseases and insects that are not terrible for Siberian raspberries is simply impressive, because they are not dangerous for Mishutka:

  • shoot aphid
  • spider mite
  • mosaic
  • spotting
  • growth
  • gall midge
  • gray rot
  • fungal infections of leaves and stems.

Malina Mishutka

Attention! In any, even the most lean summer, raspberry Mishutka will delight you with a consistently large number of fruits. This variety will be a real salvation for those who are already tired of experimenting and just want to enjoy fresh berries from their own garden.

Correct landing

There are legends about the unpretentiousness of Mishutka – raspberries, indeed, can be cultivated in different climates, on any soil. Like any berry crop, raspberries will not tolerate the following:

  • wetlands;
  • areas with regular floods;
  • close proximity to the groundwater surface.

The culture intended for Siberia and Altai should also be protected from the scorching heat. It is not necessary to plant raspberries on the south side of the slope or where the soil is rich in sand. In such conditions, the bushes will need mulching, shading, regular watering.

Malina Mishutka

Advice! Mishutka is a tall raspberry, so when planting, you need to observe a sufficient interval between the bushes. The optimal distance is 70 cm when planting bushes in one row. Row spacing should be made wide – at least two meters.

In the Central part of Our Country, Altai and Siberia, Mishutka raspberries are planted in autumn. Since the winter hardiness of the variety is good, it is best to do this in the last days of September. Bushes with a closed root system can be planted in the spring.

Malina Mishutka

Before planting, pits or trenches are generously filled with fertilizers. For the variety in question, well-rotted organic matter (compost, humus, stale manure, old bird droppings), diluted with several handfuls of wood ash, is most suitable. Do not pour fresh manure, peat or sawdust into the pit – all this will begin to rot and take away all the nitrogen from the growing raspberries.

After planting, the bushes are watered abundantly and the soil must be mulched with a thick layer of organic mulch.

The need for care

Practice shows that the Mishutka variety will not deprive the gardener of the harvest, even with minimal care. If the summer resident does the simplest thing – cut the raspberries once a year and tie the shoots to the supports – anyway, he will remove about 2-3 kg of berries from each bush.

Malina Mishutka

If the task is to increase the yield of Mishutka and grow larger berries, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. In autumn, spring and mid-summer, the bushes are thinned out so that the raspberries do not get sick and are well ventilated. At this time, old, diseased, dry shoots are removed, excess leaves are cut off, shoots are cut out.
  2. Mishutka raspberries are trimmed at least once a year. It consists in cutting out old fruiting shoots, shortening green young twigs and removing excess growth. It is better to prune raspberries in the spring, but you can do this twice a year. The trimming scheme is shown in the photo below.

    Malina Mishutka

  3. It is not necessary to spray the bushes, because of the pests for the Siberian Mishutka, only the raspberry beetle is dangerous, the larvae of which eat ripe berries.
  4. Annual raspberry mulching significantly increases the chances of a bountiful harvest, protects the roots from temperature fluctuations and the soil from drying out.
  5. At least three times during the summer you need to water the shrubs with plenty of water.
  6. In the spring, raspberries must be tied up so that the flexible shoots do not bend to the ground itself. Bushes tied to supports or trellises are better ventilated and receive more sun.

    Malina Mishutka

  7. Mishutka will not freeze even in the most severe winter, but the yield of an uncovered bush will greatly decrease. Therefore, in the Siberian regions, it is necessary to tie the shoots of this raspberry and bend it to the ground, followed by shelter.
Attention! Collecting Mishutka berries is a pleasure, because the shoots of this raspberry are smooth, without thorns.

Write Your Review

Valentina Pavlovna
The raspberry variety Mishutka was chosen by me for planting 7-8 years ago. I was attracted by a photo of berries, a description of the resistance of the variety and its yield. In the Moscow region, where our dacha is located, this raspberry feels great. Of course, last summer, in conditions of abnormal heat, some berries were baked, and a couple of shoots even shed their leaves. I think if we were constantly in the country and watered the raspberries every other day, this would not have happened. In general, I am very pleased with the variety: the berries are small, but sweet, there are a lot of them, they do not ripen at the same time.


Raspberry Mishutka is perfect for farmers; you can grow a crop on any scale. Berries perfectly tolerate transportation, do not flow for a long time and do not crumple. It is best to use a plentiful harvest for processing, as fresh fruits have a pleasant, but rather “fresh” taste, without a “zest”.

Malina Mishutka

Do not forget about this variety and summer residents living in difficult climatic conditions. There Mishutka shows himself from the best side, pleases with resistance to cold and good immunity.

Raspberries, the best varieties (regular, remontant …)!

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