Malfunctions of Mabe washing machines – how to fix it yourself

Repair of Mabe washing machines is not too common, they are famous for their high quality and low level of factory defects. But external factors also affect the performance of the washing machine, so malfunctions still happen.

Owners of Mabe brand washing machines will find a lot of useful things in this article:

  • An overview of typical Mabe washing machine malfunctions.
  • Error codes to help the user.
  • Do-it-yourself repair of typical breakdowns.

Overview of typical CM Mabe faults

Having collected statistics from service centers of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that the most frequent breakdowns in Mabe brand washing machines are as follows:

  1. All or several lights on the control panel are constantly on, flashing. The display lights up all the time.
  2. Leak in Mabe washing machine: water came from below. Hose damaged or leaking from manhole.
  3. The noise of the machine during washing, or rather, during the set and drain of water.
  4. CM does not start, does not respond to the “ON” button.
  5. The machine does not heat up the water.

Note! The last 2 malfunctions are typical for all machines, regardless of the brand, so we will not consider them separately.

Mabe washing machine error codes

Error codes also come to the aid of the user when detecting problems: d01, d03, d10 and others. If the instruction manual for the Mabe washing machine (Mayby) has long been lost, then you can decipher the fault codes according to our table.

We will consider the most common codes specific to this brand.

d01The washer does not fill with water.
d03Water does not heat up in the drum.
d10The machine immediately drains the water from the tank.
ER12The hatch is not tightly closed.
F04With error F04, the SMA does not turn on.

Do-it-yourself repair of breakdowns

Do-it-yourself Mabe washing machine repair is quite possible when it comes to light breakdowns and moderate failures. In case of serious problems, you should contact the master. It is better not to save on such works as replacing bearings or repairing a control board.

Fixing leaks in a Mabe washing machine

Important! The first thing to do is turn off the power to the washing machine.

The easiest way is to fix leaks without calling the wizard. The main thing is to find a place of rupture or deformation through which water flows. Usually they run:

  • Place the cuvette for the powder.
  • Cuff-seal.
  • Drain hose.
  • Water inlet hose.
  • Tank (for the reason of depressurization).
  • Oil seal of the tank.

If the hoses are leaking

Typically, hoses tend to leak at their connections to the AGR housing and communication systems. In this case, it is easy to eliminate the failure – it is worth tightening the clamps more tightly, and treating the hose seats with sealant.

In more difficult cases, it is worth changing the gasket or replacing the entire hose in case of severe deformation or rupture.

Powder Hopper

Many powders do not dissolve well due to poor quality, incorrect dosage, or uneven water supply. This provokes the formation of smudges under the lid of the dispenser – sometimes they drain to the floor. A similar result happens due to high pressure in the water supply and breakage of the filling valve.

Sealing collar

The adjacent wall of the cuff could wear out and be damaged over time. If the damage is modest, then a special rubber patch can be applied (as for bicycles or inflatable boats). After sealing the hole, you need to turn the cuff so that the defect is at the top.

To do this, you will need to remove the clamp that secures the cuff to the drum. Using a thin screwdriver, pick up the clamp, slide the screwdriver along the axis, remove the mount – now you can work with the cuff.

filler valve

This tube is located just below the top panel of the CMA. It connects the water inlet valve to the powder cuvette. If the nozzle is worn out and you find damage in the form of cracks and holes on it, replace it.

Pipe for filling water into the tank

As a rule, this element is seated on glue, but if smudges appear under it, you need to remove the nozzle, rinse and dry it. When installing the pipe in place, it is worth using a similar water-repellent glue.

Stuffing box

The gland bears its service in very difficult conditions of high temperature, aggressive environment and heavy loads during spinning. Therefore, over time, it becomes more and more difficult for him to ensure tightness.

If a leak was found precisely on the tank, in a place under the stuffing box itself, then it needs to be changed.


Over time, cracks and even whole holes can appear in the tank. Changing the tank is an expensive pleasure, so it’s better to think about buying a new washing machine.

CM tank drain

This element performs a connecting function between the tank and the drain pump. It can be clogged with debris and even small particles of laundry. The clamps that secure the pipe can also stretch. Fasteners can be tightened by treating the landing site with sealant.

If you find defects in the pipe, then it is better to replace it with a new one.

Drain pump

It will be difficult to carry out repairs on your own, so entrust the replacement of the pump to a good master.

Mabe washing machine noise

Reasons for noise can be:

  1. Uneven stacking of laundry provoked an imbalance inside the drum.
  2. Damaged shock absorbers or springs.
  3. The counterweight fasteners are loose or damaged.

Important! The washing machine must be unplugged. Disconnect the power plug from the outlet.

Laundry imbalance

If you accidentally put the laundry in the drum not too evenly, the tub may begin to wobble, especially during the spin cycle. If you have a vertical washing machine, then everything is simple – you can open the drum, lay out the laundry and continue the program.

In modern machines, as a rule, there is no such problem – they themselves know how to distribute linen.

Springs and shock absorbers

The shock-absorbing system in combination with springs is responsible for the reliability of the installation of the tank in the body. It dampens the vibrations.

If the shock absorber or spring is deformed due to a long service life, then the tank warps, and a knock begins in the machine due to the contact of some moving parts of the machine.

It is necessary to immediately turn off the SMA, replace the failed element.

Problems with the counterweight

In many models of Mabe washing machines, heavy concrete counterweights are provided, the task of which is to stabilize the position of the machine during the spin cycle. If the fasteners are loose, then the load is not securely fastened and begins to hit the body, causing noise.

In the best case, you just have to tighten the mount. At worst, replace the counterweight. Fortunately, this is an inexpensive part.

All lamps on the control panel are flashing

If, when you turn on the SMA, you see that several or all indicators are flashing at once, it means that we are talking about a breakdown of the control unit. It fails most often due to power surges.

It is difficult to diagnose a breakdown, so the diagnosis, repair or replacement of the electronic control module should be entrusted to the master.

As you can see, many breakdowns of Mabe washing machines are easy to fix on your own, but be vigilant and always follow safety precautions!

We hope this video will help you better understand the problems of the Mabe machine:

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