Male – weak sex?

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According to the data of the National Police Headquarters from 2016, as much as 86 percent. of suicides in Poland were men. A significant advantage of the male gender in suicide statistics can be observed all over the world. In 2013, 78 percent of men in the United States. suicides, and in 2016 in the UK – 75 percent. What could be causing this?

Boys Do not Cry?

Among the reasons, experts mention, first of all, the pressure that lies on the man. Patriarchy and macho worship take their toll here. A man cannot show weakness, cry or talk about his emotions. He must be strong – in this spirit he is brought up from an early age. While girls are sometimes suppressed because they have to be “nice and polite”, boys have to contend with the expectations of others. They hear very often, ‘Have you fallen? Don’t be. A friend hit you? You fight like a woman ». Such words make emotions embarrassing for boys. They neither want nor know how to talk about them. In adulthood, when the problems and expectations of an individual are greater, the inability to express emotions can be especially distressing.

Even so, the statistics on suicide among men and women are surprising. The main reason is that mental illnesses such as depression are much more common among women. However, they do not have a blockade to turn to others for help. The prospect of admitting their weakness does not scare them because they feel more socially acceptable. Women can be weak, capricious, and tearful – and while there is a damaging stereotype behind it, in this case it helps you come to terms with your emotions. Men decide to visit a psychiatrist much less often, they do not want to talk about their inner life during therapeutic sessions and they definitely avoid confrontation with their relatives.

Male breadwinner

Another reason is the social role assigned to a man. It is he who is traditionally considered the breadwinner. No wonder it’s among the most common causes of suicides among men is losing your job. Research conducted by specialists from Australia in 2012 shows that unemployed men are 4,6 times more likely to commit suicide than those who have a job. The deterioration of the economic situation of the family is too much of a psychological burden for them. Men between the ages of 30 and 50 are particularly vulnerable. In addition, losing a job means no sense in life and a feeling of emptiness. Unemployment is not the end of the world for women who, despite their professional activity, are also more often involved in home life and nurture social relations with greater commitment. At such a moment, the man loses ground because he does not fulfill his most important role. Stereotypes restrict more than it seems.

– Men often suffer from mental health after their company goes bankrupt – explains psychiatrist Aleksandra Łojko. – At a time when everyone is pursuing success, it is more difficult to accept adversities. Another group they are pre-retirement menwho lost their jobs, replaced by younger staff. It is practically impossible for them to find a job at this stage.

Male depression

Doctors emphasize that men may experience depressive states differently. Intense headaches, fatigue, insomnia, alcohol and drug abuse, irritation and even aggression – according to specialists from the US National Institute of Mental Health, these are the symptoms of “male depression”. This means that sadness and depression do not occur in a large proportion of men suffering from this disease. Different mental construction and here it makes itself felt. A depressed man escapes into risky behaviors and stimulants, suppressing problems instead of solving them. Because of this, it is much more difficult to diagnose and treat.

Read more:

  1. Psychotherapy in depression – what form of help should you choose?
  2. A midlife crisis. What is it manifested and how to deal with it?
  3. How To Effectively Stop Hair Loss?

– A large proportion of suicides are addicts. And here, too, men are in the lead. This applies to addiction to psychoactive substances as well as gambling and computer games. In this way, the patient runs away from his problems and suppresses emotions, which over time may contribute to self-destructive and aggressive behavior towards the environment. – Many attempts at taking your own life happen under the influence of alcohol and other drugs – says the psychiatrist.

Radical methods

Although women try to take their lives more often than men, men resort to much more radical – and unfortunately effective – methods. While women choose to overdose on drugs, men choose to be shot and hung. It also results from being more impulsive and self-destructive. Men are more prone to taking risky actions – for this reason, they are much more likely to die in accidents or as a result of bodily injuries (cuts, burns, fractures). The decision to commit suicide most often it is undertaken under the influence of strong emotions that push men towards immediate action and extreme solutions. Additionally, even in this situation, women are less likely to take actions that could result in disfigurement.

How to prevent it?

Depression and suicide are taboo topics that are not easy to talk about. Especially with men who usually do not want to show their weaknesses and avoid confrontation. However, when we observe disturbing behavior in a loved one, which also includes increased irritation, aggression and exhaustion, we need to react. A man with depression must feel that he is not alone and can talk about his problem. Deprived of support, he may never choose to undergo drug therapy or treatment.

– You need to pay attention to disturbing symptoms. A person suffering from depression ceases to care for his passions and feels indifferent to the activities he once enjoyed. He may neglect his duties, such as work, which were important to him – explains Aleksandra Łojko. – Changes also occur in the sphere of sleep and eating. Two extremes can occur here. Sick people suffer from insomnia or sleep all day. They can lose weight or eat stress. It must not be ignored, as well as the use of psychoactive substances, on which the patient was not previously addicted. You should check for drugs in your home and find out if the person has fallen into debt, a common cause of depression. It is also worth listening and not underestimating. If someone says “I would hang myself” jokingly, he or she may actually be serious. Of course, it all depends on the context, but you have to keep this in mind so as not to miss the call for help.

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