A male-type partner marriage is a union of two free and active individuals with big tasks in life. Both he and she have an interesting job with a normal salary that gives independence and autonomy. Each of them can exist without the other, but since each of them meets some needs of the other, they are basically together. When they need and when they want, they are together. When they have other plans, they are busy with their own affairs.
Such a union is possible in a metropolis where the circles of communication of the spouses do not intersect (time and space are different). The problem is the separation of partners by their social circles, personal interests and goals, the destruction of the common psychological space. Attempts to pretend to be a traditional couple (advice to a woman to be more passive) will create a feeling of an empty victim, tension due to playing an unusual role.
Online broadcast by Dmitry Soroka «A woman through the eyes of a man.» Issue #1. Visiting Dmitry prof. N.I. Kozlov and his wife, psychologist Marina Smirnova.
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- Approved by society, for many men and active women is now considered «ideal»;
- Relationships of the type I + I;
- A lot of resource, because everyone earns a lot;
- This gives confidence in the future, in oneself;
- Sex and passion are important to them, this is what their relationship is based on;
- Since everyone is independent and autonomous, no one owes anything to anyone. Therefore, agreements are very important for them, sometimes even in writing.
Cons and possible problems:
- Disassembly of who owes what to whom; way out — detailed agreements on each controversial issue, with an assigned measure of responsibility for failure to comply
- The centrifugal force is much greater than the unifying force, as a consequence of the independence of the partners. The extreme form is a guest marriage. The way out is to pay enough attention to the sexual sphere, get joint vivid impressions, bring play, passion, romance into relationships.
- Struggle for power: it is difficult for partners to understand that “no one is cooler” among them, they constantly compete, prove “who is the boss in the house”. Solution: accept that personal relationships are not a field for status battles, that partners are equal and that is why they are together.