Male menopause: how it manifests itself

Male menopause: how it manifests itself

Does a woman need to help a man when he begins to have a decrease in male sex hormones, say a urologist and a psychotherapist.

Testosterone is men’s best friend. Everyone knows that. It is this male sex hormone that plays the “first violin” and allows a man to be a father and macho in bed. Alas, over the years, all the good things in the body become scarce. And testosterone. Its deficiency triggers a mechanism to reduce the ability to conceive, bone strength, memory, erectile dysfunction, and performance. The period of testosterone decline is usually called andropause, male menopause, but a more accurate name is age-related androgen deficiency.

– A man begins to age at the age of 30: testosterone decreases by 2% every year. If there are chronic diseases, then by 6%. Being overweight, having an unhealthy lifestyle, and drinking too much alcohol and fatty foods can accelerate the decline in testosterone levels.

Signs of male menopause

Like women, it is also very diverse and affects many areas of life. Most often present:

  • erectile dysfunction,

  • lack of desire for intimacy,

  • reduction of nocturnal erections,

  • sudden mood swings

  • decreased performance,

  • increase in body weight,

  • insomnia.

And this is just a small list of signs. Of all the above, it is erectile dysfunction that leads a man to a urologist.

More than 2 thousand years ago, a system of quick self-diagnosis was invented – the “samurai test”. There is only one, but very important question in it: does a man have a morning erection? If so, then a samurai warrior (read – a man) is healthy both sexually and physically, his heart and head work well, and he will be able to fight in battle. And today the “samurai test” is partly an indicator of the quality of the work of the internal organs of a man.

No matter what result you get, after all, it is from an andrologist or urologist that you can accurately assess your male health. Better than a doctor, no one will understand the signs of male menopause. And without the appointment of a doctor, you should not take medications. But there are some general tips to help keep men’s health.

How can men maintain their health in the modern world?

  • The main rule is to visit regularly urologist at least once a year, even if there are no symptoms or chronic diseases. And if there is excess weight, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia – every six months.

  • Do not self-medicate and do not take questionable drugs!

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle with an appropriate regime of rest and work.

  • Move more, give stress to the muscles of the pelvis and legs.

  • Regular sex with your beloved woman… What is important is regular. The average rate is 2-3 times a week.

  • Healthy food: cereals, green tea, coarse bread, boiled beef, cod liver, fresh vegetables, herbs, fish, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, nuts, raisins, seafood, mushrooms.

  • Get rid of bad habitsespecially from smoking.

  • Stimulate brain function: learn new things, be it foreign languages, or master the knowledge of winemaking, barista, train memory.

  • Enjoy and value life more.

– After 45-50 years, about 20-30% of men may have pronounced indicators of reduced testosterone. Let’s talk about the emotional state of a man of this age. The function of testosterone is in many ways a protective function for a man, it helps to cope with stress through certain actions and mechanisms in the brain. By losing the right amount of this hormone, a man becomes more vulnerable to stress. Depression very often develops against the background of low testosterone.

Striking signs of this are a pronounced decrease in mood, unmotivated irritability, aggression, fatigue, attacks of more risky or aggressive behavior, sleep disturbance, alcoholism for the desire to at least slightly raise the mood.

The trouble of a man is that he is by nature worse at dealing with his emotions, not sharing his experiences.

And here it is very important for women to offer their help unobtrusively and delicately. I appeal to you, beautiful ladies, if you notice the above signs in your beloved, offer him your help. But be aware that many men do not consider all this a disorder, they do not even want to hear about the possibility of male menopause.

It’s too vulnerable to admit that you are losing ground as a man.

The spouse may resist and not accept all of your advice. It is important to know that a man is more rational and, perhaps, he will accept a rational explanation. If he does not hear you, then simply discard him a link from the Internet, which explains what chemical processes occur in his body and that they are followed by changes in the emotional state. Unobtrusively in moments of revelation, try to explain that today there is an opportunity to support him with medication and prolong his “male youth”. A visit to a urologist, a psychotherapist is also a link in his happy future.

In menopause, a man is like a wounded animal, but the same is always aggressive. Your task is to smooth out the corners, not to take personally his barbs and reproaches. A beloved woman, of course, can best help her man, bring him to the doctor’s office in order to neutralize all emotional problems.  

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