Male manicure – hand care and nail diseases

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Women love strong men’s hands. However, if they are decorated with yellow, rough and cracked nails, no force will convince a woman to accept such a hand. Therefore, we must remember that a nail file can only have one owner. Using someone else or borrowing your own can cause onychomycosis.

Improper manicure – instead of beautifying – can disfigure our hands and cause nail disease.

How is the nail built?

A healthy nail grows an average of 3 mm per month. Growth depends on age and season – nails grow fastest in summer. The side and back edges of the nails are surrounded by a fold of the cuticle called the nail shaft.

In the back part, a thin skin overlaps the nail plate, which protects it against injuries. Nails are made mainly of a protein called keratin. It is the staple food for fungi that attack humans.

Onychomycosis – Symptoms and Treatment

The fungal spores are found in the dead skin and particles of the nail plate of a fungal disease patient. – So it is enough to use a file of such a person to contract the disease himself. The spores penetrate the damaged nail and establish colonies there – explains Dr. Wanda Brzozowska, who deals with mycological diagnostics. Mycoses account for half of the cases of nail disease. They cause thickening, discoloration, delamination and brittleness. In a word: they disfigure. The disease can be cured, but it is better not to catch it.

Mycosis diagnosis it is primarily a laboratory test of a nail scrape taken from the patient. The doctor uses a special tool to painlessly scrape a bit of the nail, which is sent to the laboratory. Based on such research, the most effective medicine can be selected.

Paronychia – symptoms and treatment

Wycinanie skórek może spowodować ropne zapalenie atakujące obszar dookoła paznokcia zwane zanokcicą. Wywołują ją bakterie bytujące w naszym otoczeniu — gronkowce lub paciorkowce. Podczas wycinania skórek dochodzi do uszkodzenia skóry, która staje się wrotami dla tych bakterii. Wywołują one stan zapalny. Dolegliwość jest dość bolesna. Może przybierać postać ostrą lub przewlekłą. Objawia się reddening of the nail fold and oil spill under pressure.

Acute foot rot is treated with antibiotics. Topical ichthyol ointment is also good, as it effectively removes pus and eliminates infection. Sometimes a surgeon’s intervention is necessary, which consists in cutting or draining the nail fold, and in the case of an ingrown nail, partial or complete removal of the nail plate is necessary. Chronic angina, on the other hand, is treated with ointments or oral medications.

Pielęgnacja dłoni i paznokci – zasady

During hand care treatments, remember about the hygiene of our file or scissors. You cannot lend them to anyone. It is worth wiping them with spirit from time to time. Let’s not cut the skins, because they protect us against fungi and bacteria. Too overgrown can be removed with a special spatula.

Podczas wykonywania prac domowych z użyciem środków chemicznych należy używać rękawiczek, aby nie uszkadzać płytki paznokcia i skóry dłoni. Infekcjom sprzyja też dłuższe moczenie rąk. Warto stosować wtedy kremy ochronne. Paznokcie należy obcinać krótko, ponieważ długie łatwo się łamią. Po obcięciu trzeba zawsze je opiłowywać, żeby nie pękały i nie łamały się.

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