Male infertility: myths and reality

Conception, pregnancy, the birth of a child… This great sacrament of the birth of a little man makes a family truly happy! But, unfortunately, today almost every fifth young couple in Russia is infertile.

When there is no potency…

Male infertility: myths and reality

What can a woman do when she finds out that her state of health allows her to conceive a baby, and the problem of infertility lies in a man? The first step to its solution is a confidential conversation with a loved one. Without reproaches, let alone accusations of “weakness”. Your main goal is to encourage him to go with you to an appointment with an andrologist.

“But how is that? – the spouse can express his bewilderment at the same time. “After all, everything is in order with my potency!” Here’s another popular misconception you need to know about! Of course, problems with conception in men with erectile dysfunction occur quite often and for good reason. But there are other conditions that negatively affect the ability to fertilize. Here are some of the most significant causes of male infertility:

  • the presence of an infectious process;

  • hormonal status disorders;

  • diseases of the organs of the reproductive system (cryptorchism, cysts of the epididymis, varicocele, etc.),

  • immune and genetic disorders.

These and a number of other factors can disrupt the process of maturation of healthy spermatozoa capable of fertilization.

“Lazy bastards”

Male infertility: myths and reality

It is known that, once in the female genital tract, spermatozoa live in them for about 2-3 days. At the same time, only healthy and active spermatozoa are able to fulfill the mission assigned to them by nature to fertilize the egg “perfectly”.

Is it possible to bring “lazy zhivchikov” to clean water? This will help spermogram – one of the main methods for diagnosing male infertility. This is a laboratory study, during which the total number and motility of spermatozoa are determined, the morphology of spermatozoa is analyzed – their shape and size are assessed, “individuals” with changes in the structure of the head or tail are identified and their number is counted.

The sperm of an infertile man may not have enough healthy sperm to fertilize an egg.

“Food” for sperm

Male infertility: myths and reality

Treatment of male infertility is usually complex. Depending on the identified causes, it may include various methods, including surgery.

Deserved interest at present is caused by modern complexes created on the basis of biologically active components that contribute to the formation of full-fledged, capable of fertilizing spermatozoa. These substances include, in particular, arginine, carnitine and taurine.

arginine – a vital amino acid that is directly involved in the formation of new spermatozoa.

Carnitine – present in large quantities in the epididymis and contributes to the improvement of sperm quality.

Taurine – contributes to the maintenance of viability and high motor activity of spermatozoa.

Many plants are also endowed with a “talent” to have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system and the ability to fertilize. Including those with whom you used to fight mercilessly in the country! A striking example is the stinging nettle. Its roots appear to be rich in biologically active substances capable of supporting the production of sperm rich in healthy spermatozoa.

SpermaPlant from “Evalar”: conception strategy

What else unites arginine, carnitine, taurine and nettle root extract? They are part of the modern SpermaPlant complex from the Evalar company!

What does the instructions say about SpermaPlant, and how can it help your spouse? This tool contributes to the preservation of reproductive function in men by maintaining normal:

  • qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm;

  • her fertility.

SpermaPlant is available in the form of a powder in a sachet, which is dissolved in 200 ml of water. One day – one sachet! Agree, a very simple scheme!

Let it not surprise you that the drug is recommended for a man to take for three months. This is how long the sperm maturation cycle lasts.

In general, the reviews about SpermaPlant are quite positive. Many people appreciate the quality, ease of use and attractive price of the drug in the pharmacy and talk about how it helped them become happy parents. We sincerely wish you to know the joy of motherhood as soon as possible!

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