Male infertility associated with the risk of death

Sperm defects and the related infertility are associated with the risk of premature death of a man, according to scientists from the US in the journal Human Reproduction.

A study by a team at Stanford University School of Medicine found that men with two or more sperm abnormalities were more than twice as likely to die over eight years of follow-up as men with healthy semen. The more defects, the greater the risk. The dependence persisted after taking into account the age of the respondents and their medical history.

The analyzed data concerned 12 thousand. men aged 20 to 50 who have had their sperm tested at two US fertility centers.

Infertility is a common problem in developed countries, where it is estimated to affect about one in seven couples. However, this is only the third study in the world and the first in the United States to focus on the relationship between male infertility and mortality, said study co-author Dr. Michael Eisenberg.

Factors such as cigarette smoking and diabetes, each of which doubles the risk of death, are of great interest to researchers. We observe a similar relationship in the case of infertility. However, little attention is paid to it – he emphasized.

Scientists do not yet know if the cause lies in genes, the development process, or a hormonal imbalance. However, they hope that the answer to this question will come from further research involving numerous medical centers in the USA and Canada. (PAP)

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