Male flower anthurium: how to care
The male anthurium flower is native to South America. There it is called the fiery tongue. In our country, this plant is called male happiness. Its bright red flowers will benefit your home.
What is the famous anthurium male flower
According to legend, an evil leader lived in an Indian village. He chose a young beauty as his wife. However, she was in love with another guy. To avoid an unwanted wedding, a young bride, wearing a red wedding dress, jumped into the fire. A beautiful flower of the same color as the bride’s dress grew in place of the flame. He was called to guard the girl’s beloved, as well as all men with a pure soul.
The male anthurium flower was grown by the indigenous Indians
According to the philosophy of feng shui, each plant has its own energy – yin or yang. Anthurium has a strong male yang energy. That is why he is considered masculine. Anthurium brings happiness and harmony to homes, builds mutual understanding between spouses, and neutralizes quarrels. For single men, this flower helps to find mutual love.
To achieve complete harmony in the family, a female flower, spathiphyllum, must be paired with the anthurium. Each of the spouses must take care of their plant.
How to care for a male anthurium flower
Here are the key care guidelines:
- Choose a suitable soil – light, loose, slightly acidic.
- The light should be bright but diffused. A west or east window is best.
- There should be no drafts in the place where the flower pot stands.
- In summer, the temperature should be 20 ° C and above, in winter – 15-18 ° C.
- In the summer, water the anthurium abundantly, but make sure that there is no water in the pot. Water it occasionally in winter.
- Spray or wipe the leaves of the plant periodically with a damp cloth. Try to keep the spray water away from the flowers. If you don’t have time to spray, place a container of water near the pot. This will ensure the proper moisture level.
- Cut off dry inflorescences immediately after flowering.
The young flower needs to be replanted annually. Adult – every three years. Perform this procedure in the spring. Do not choose a pot that is too big for transplanting. The plant will not bloom in it.
Anthurium is suitable as a gift for some familiar man. Usually, representatives of the strong half of humanity are not very fond of caring for houseplants, but they will like this flower, because caring for it is extremely simple.