The film «Woman. Man»

The woman is convinced that she is the center of the universe.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Living in the same world, men and women perceive it differently.

The world of a man is an external, objective world. A man can be well versed in relationships, but initially, in his natural essence, the male task is to create objects, repair objects, understand objects. Men’s focus is on the outside world. The man’s attention is always outward and seeks what can become his, followed by the act of grasping. I see a mammoth — the mammoth will be taken!

The center of attention of a woman is herself. The task of a woman is to attract to herself, her attention is always on herself, she will do everything to be attractive, to be in the center of attention and so that the mammoth is brought to her! ↑

The world of a woman is a world of feelings and human relationships. A woman first of all feels, and does not analyze, and perceives relationships in the first place, striving for harmony.

Mostly women tend to believe in miracles. According to statistics for 2015, 4% of men and 67% of women turned to psychics.

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