Male and female responsibilities as a cause of family quarrels

Male and female responsibilities as a cause of family quarrels

😉 Thank you for being here! Thank you for choosing the article “Male and female responsibilities as the cause of family scandals” on this site! The article briefly highlights a problem that can cause family strife. Simple advice from psychologists on how spouses can overcome these differences.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

Among the reasons that can lead to family quarrels and even conflicts is the separation of male and female responsibilities. According to the norms of the patriarchal family, cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. is a typically female concern. And the husband is on the couch, but he brings money.

A man’s business is to lead a family and make money. If both spouses are satisfied with this situation, everything is fine and there is nothing to talk about. But for some couples, this is an intractable problem and a source of frequent collisions. Remember how the old man and the old woman argued about who should get up and close the door?

In stable, strong families, work is divided in half, problems are solved together. And, of course, no controversy arises because of such a trifle as a hike for bread or taking out the trash.

A loving husband tries to save his wife from hard household chores. She, out of respect for the support and protector, does not abuse his good attitude. The family budget in such families is distributed with the participation of both spouses, taking into account the interests not only of their own, but also of the “halves”.

With the birth of the first child, the relationship between spouses can become complicated, which is quite understandable: the wife gives almost all of her attention to the baby. Tired and sleepy, she can irritably react to her husband’s manifestation of tenderness, flare up, like a match, even from the weakest fire.

The husband needs to be sympathetic to the new position of the young mother, to help her and to share the worries and troubles. But she, too, needs to take into account that she is not only a mother, but still a wife. You need to understand that the husband, as before, needs love and affection.

In a close-knit family, spouses begin to do more what they do best. For example, a husband knows how to cook deliciously. It’s not his job, but he loves to cook. She loves ironing clothes and watching her favorite TV show at the same time. A win-win option is to find a “middle ground” by fairly distributing household responsibilities.

😉 Remember that everyday life has divorced more than one couple in love. What do you think about this? How are the responsibilities of spouses in your family distributed?

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