
Male and female communication differs both in style and in topics.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Film «The Story of Us»

Male communication: women, fun, work and cars.

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Film «The Story of Us»

Women’s communication: what to do with men, children and a little about rags.

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Male communication is more gu.e.e. and with raids (usually game ones), female communication is more superficial and with feelings.

Men’s communication: women, politics, sports, fun, work and cars. Women’s communication: what to do with men, children, health, cooking and a little about rags. Women use every opportunity to turn the conversation about business into a conversation about feelings and relationships. Men, on the contrary, evaluate this as a distraction and try to translate conversations about feelings and relationships into some kind of business construct: “What are we talking about?” At least at work, a man needs business, not feelings.

Active listening performed by men, according to the masculine type, is always more businesslike and meaningful, with questions like: “where, when, how much, what are the justifications and what follows from this?” Analysis, analysis, reasonable criticism and tips — in active listening according to the male type are normal and welcome. Active listening, characteristic of women, female-type listening, more personal and focused not on the actual information, but on feelings and relationships: “how do you feel about it, what did you feel”, where the remarks generally serve as more of an emotional support and sympathy than intellectual interest.

When talking about an event, a man is more likely to describe its objective meaning. He is secretive in personal matters, but considers himself a great expert in everything and willingly tells a grateful woman about how the world works. A woman is more inclined to talk about her experiences, about acquaintances, relationships with them and other “near-minded” things — as a result, she almost always starts talking about pressing problems.

According to men, women are talkative. This does not mean that men speak less than women, it is just that, in their opinion, there are fewer definite theses in women’s communication, there are usually no clear goals and topics that men consider unimportant are discussed for a long time. On the other hand, women consider men emotionally unresponsive, and indeed, women listen more to the emotions in the voice of the interlocutor, they are more attentive to gestures and facial expressions. The famous female intuition is based on women’s interest in feelings and verbal messages. On the other hand, the result of the excessive emotionality of women is the famous female logic, where judgments and conclusions are determined not by facts, but to a greater extent by situational mood. Women’s logic is a way of thinking and talking, where logic gives way to impulsiveness and feelings. Women really in personal communication sin with a leap of ideas, but to say that the female type of communication is less effective is not entirely true: women solve many tasks in communication much more successfully than men, although by other means.

In business relations, women know how to be no less logical than men, they know how to formulate their theses, give justification and draw conclusions no worse than men. At the same time, in personal relationships, women tend to speak more impulsively and emotionally, recalling a large number of extraneous details, sometimes overdoing it with digressions, in fact, behaving defiantly, simply attracting attention to themselves. In such speech, logic is really not present, because it is not needed. But is speech with elements of female logic always less effective than male? Of course not. When a woman keeps in mind the purpose of the conversation, she can twist the topic as much as she likes, make visits and maneuvers, create the necessary contexts, distract attention, play on emotions, appeal to feelings, and so on, until the interlocutor does what she needs.

What is the male logic based on? A man sees the goal and goes to it as short as possible. He thinks structurally. Women are different. If a woman obviously knows her destination and is sure that she will definitely get there, then the trajectory is of secondary importance. It is not so important for a woman how many extra words she uses, she does not consider them superfluous. Expressing her thoughts, a woman enjoys the process itself, especially when the interlocutor looks at her tenderly and listens with a smile.

Women allow themselves to speak for a very long time, not being afraid that the thought will end: a thought cannot end if it was not originally there. Women’s thinking is different: the meaning of a woman’s speech is formed in the process of speaking, and what the woman wanted to say, she herself understands only at the very end. Until she begins to speak, a woman usually does not have a clearly formulated thesis and logical structure, but she has another: a general idea, and it is this idea that is gradually embodied in words and emotions that spontaneously manifest themselves in women’s speech.

In fact, any woman, when she turns on the female type of communication, acts as a real expert in speech influence, inducing a speech trance on the interlocutor. Women’s tricks lull the vigilance of men, after which men in a state of trance quickly do what the woman wants from them.

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn’t be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.

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