Making the figure perfect

Making the figure perfect

Woman’s Day, together with the sports club S-FITNESS, compiled five basic rules to make the dream of slender hips and a flat tummy a reality.

Sport is beauty and health

Rule # 1. Elastic buttocks

The best way to tighten up your glutes and give your thighs a relief is through a strength class. A specially selected set of exercises will strengthen your muscles and give them the perfect shape. The owners of curvaceous forms should not be afraid to “pump up muscles under fat”. The training process includes both strength approaches to build and strengthen muscles, and aerobic parts for intense calorie burning.

You should also pay attention to CrossFit. This direction can be described as a strength training program consisting of constantly changing functional exercises of high intensity. In the shortest possible time, you will achieve the maximum effect. Besides the fact that you will tighten your figure and get rid of excess fat, you will make your body functional and resilient.

Rule number 2. Remove the sides

To achieve a flat tummy, first, try to pay attention to your abs 3-4 times a week. During this time, the muscles have time to “grow” and become ready for further training. Secondly, remember that the minimum amount for each exercise is 3 sets of 15 reps. Do the exercises well, do not rush. Rest between sets should be no more than 15 seconds. Thirdly, the abs quickly get used to the exercises. Change your training program once a month. Remember, your abdominal muscles are lazy and quickly lose their firmness when you stop exercising. Since the most difficult thing in training the press for a girl is to force herself to swing it, do the exercises systematically, through “I can not.”

The most important thing is not to be lazy

Rule number 3. Don’t forget to relax

Each workout should end with a process of complete relaxation of the body. Ignoring the recovery stage reduces the level of effectiveness of the training process, increases the risk of deformation of the muscles and nervous system. Perhaps the best way to get rid of fatigue, restore strength, and develop flexibility is to do yoga.

Rule number 4. Proper nutrition

Classes in any of the numerous fitness programs will be as effective and beneficial to health as possible only if the so-called golden formula is observed: proper fitness nutrition + regular training = the expected result.

We advise you to adhere to the general rules of a healthy diet. First, limit the use of fried foods, convenience foods, canned food, etc. More vegetables and fruits. Secondly, observe the regime. The main emphasis should be placed on a hearty and hearty breakfast. It is worth consuming food in small portions 4-5 times a day. Do not overeat in the evening. The total calories should be approximately 1300-1900 calories. Third, check out the fitness bar menu. Freshly squeezed juices, a variety of sports and energy cocktails will help you achieve the best results in your workouts.

Rule # 5. Personal training

This is an individually tailored training course to achieve your specific goals. A personal fitness trainer always monitors the progress of workouts, makes adjustments to the exercises, from which the result will be visible!

Now in the sports club S-FITNESS there is a special offer: you can call the club by phone 415-515 and sign up for first free personal training.

The sports center team will inspire you to feats

Get in shape with S – FITNESS!

Artillery lane, 16, 4th floor, tel. 415-515

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