Making sliced ​​beer: 4 ways

Sliced ​​beer (aka “Black & Tan”) is a beer cocktail of light and dark beer, where the ingredients are poured in layers. The Czech Republic is considered his homeland, but the first information about him appeared in the Oxford Dictionary of 1881. And remembering that 20 years before that, the famous Black Velvet cocktail was presented at Brook’s Club in London. It is possible that “Black & Tan” also comes from Foggy Albion.

What kind of beer to use

Each serving of the cocktail consists of the same amount of dark and light beer. Most often, varieties of Czech producers are chosen, such as “Krušovice” or “Velkopopovický Kozel”. Although other options are possible. You can mix Harp Lager and Guinness Stout. Or even make a non-alcoholic version.

The main thing to pay attention to is the density of the drink. The greater the difference in density, the more pronounced the boundary between the layers will be. To do this, look at the label and look for the line “initial gravity of the wort.” The higher the number, the denser the beer.

Average density indicators:

  1. Non-alcoholic varieties – 1-5%

  2. Light varieties – 11-13%

  3. Dark varieties – 12-20%

However, the density can be increased if the bottle is well chilled for the bottom of the cocktail. And then, you can enjoy the non-alcoholic filling, covered with a black “cap”.

So, for cooking you will need:

  1. Dark beer – 5 l

  2. Light beer – 5 l

  3. Tall beer glass or mug

  4. Tablespoon

Now, let’s start cooking. There are many options for “cutting” a cocktail. But all of them can be conditionally reduced to 4 basic recipes.

Dark down or classic way

As the name suggests, here the dark part is at the bottom. This is a classic version of the cocktail, known for over a century.

Method of preparation

  1. Chilled dark beer is poured to the middle of the glass. Try to leave a layer of foam of 2-3 cm when pouring.

  2. Dip the spoon into the glass with the convex side up, without touching the foam.

  3. Pour the light beer in a thin stream onto the spoon. The main thing here is not to rush

Light Down

A more modern option for those who wish to start with a complex one. Down here is the light variety. Therefore, to get a clear border, thoroughly cool the “light” bottle.

Method of preparation

  1. Pour in a light beer with a large head of foam, about 2/3 of the glass.

  2. Wait for the foam to settle.

  3. Dip a spoon into the glass, as in recipe #1.

  4. Slowly pour the dark beer onto the spoon until the glass is full.

Foam method

This option is suitable for those who are not confident in their dexterity. But remember, it requires a margin of time and patience.

Method of preparation

  1. Fill the glass halfway with light beer.

  2. Shake the dark beer well. It needs to froth properly.

  3. Take a tablespoon and transfer the foam of the dark into a glass. Try to spread evenly.

  4. Wait for the foam to subside.

We warn you right away, in this recipe the drink will be somewhat exhausted.

No spoon or quick way

The last option does not involve the use of a spoon. In this case, the boundary between the layers is blurred. But if you need to pour a large number of servings, then the method will be very useful.

Method of preparation

  1. Place the glass at an angle and fill it 2/3 full with light beer. The foam, as in the Light Down recipe, should be thick.

  2. Immediately after this, pour the dark variety. The position of the glass – do not change.

  3. When the glass is full, wait until the foam disappears. After that, you can add a little more dark.

Let’s start tasting

Most connoisseurs recommend drinking such a drink through a thick straw, alternately immersing it in a light or dark layer. You can also lower the tip of the straw to the border of the levels and enjoy the combination of flavors.

Another option is to mix the layers with a couple of sharp movements. The cocktail will lose its beauty, but will acquire a new taste.

Finally, you can drink like regular beer. First one variety, and then another. Most importantly, do not miss the moment of transition.

Relevance: 01.07.2018

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer recipes

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