Making love all night long: is it really reasonable?

Making love all night long: is it really reasonable?

Several studies agree that having sex is good for you, both body and soul. It is indeed an excellent way to lose calories and maintain good physical shape, while having fun. But are there any risks involved in having sex for several hours, or even overnight?

Making love, an activity beneficial to health

A priori, making love is rather a good activity for health, and in particular on the moral level. During intercourse, several areas of the brain are activated, and different hormonal substances are secreted. Endorphins, released in large quantities, take care, for example, to reduce the feeling of stress, anxiety and tension, when oxytocin brings a feeling of pleasure and well-being. For its part, dopamine stimulates the circulation of the blood and the cardiac system. Thus, making love helps maintain a good hormonal balance in the body (estrogen in women and progesterones in men), as well as good general health. Finally, it should be noted that sex also reduces the risk of strokes such as strokes, and helps keep blood pressure relatively low.

Don’t minimize the physical consequences of a night of love

But despite all of these benefits, having sex for a long time can also come with health risks. So beware of the small inconveniences that can occur during too long or too intense sex. The sexual organs are sensitive and fragile areas, both in men and in women. In the latter in particular, the mucous membranes are easily irritable, and a feeling of discomfort may appear from too long and repeated rubbing. If you feel any discomfort, burning sensation or abnormal dryness in this area during sex, it may be a sign of inflammation. This indicates that it is perhaps necessary to take a break … Similarly, in men, an accident quickly happens: too long intercourse can cause irritation of the penis, or a burning sensation. In this case, do not hesitate to inform your partner, and to resume activities once the discomfort has subsided.

Watch out for muscle soreness!

When we make love, the body is put to the test: like any physical activity, if it is too intensive, incidents can then occur. So be sure to listen to your body carefully: if you feel a feeling of tightness, a cramp or muscle tension due to the effort, do not hesitate to take breaks. It will only be a postponement: drink water, stretch and breathe calmly before you get back to the effort. Likewise, also think about aches and pains the next day: some positions require work on muscles that are not used to straining on a daily basis. And if they are not properly stretched, they may be painful in the days that follow.

Preserve your sleep and avoid sleepless nights

Having fun with your partner shouldn’t come at the expense of your health. And this goes in particular through a restful and quality sleep. Practicing strenuous sports activity before bedtime is not recommended if you want to easily fall asleep. Indeed, an intense effort has the effect of increasing the overall temperature of the body and stimulating the production of adrenaline, which delays falling asleep. So remember to plan a rest period before bedtime, in order to relax well and put your body in the ideal conditions for a good night’s sleep. Likewise, sleepless nights are very harmful to the body. A sleepless night will disrupt your body clock, and your body will take weeks to recover.

Focus on quality over quantity

In short, always prioritize the quality of a sexual relationship over quantity. If you or your partner isn’t in good shape to have sex all night long, don’t force yourself. Your body will only be grateful. There is therefore no point in wanting at all costs to spend a night of intense love if you do not feel the strength to do so. Likewise, also pay attention to any additional excesses: consumption of alcohol and tobacco, food in abundance, or on the contrary, lack of sleep, etc. Even if you have fun in the moment, the damage to your body in the days that follow can be significant. So listen to your body and don’t abuse your body’s resources, even if it’s for a “good cause”!

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