Making henna for tattoos. Video

Making henna for tattoos. Video

The desire to have a beautiful and original tattoo is often visited by people. However, not everyone can decide to apply a permanent pattern. And in this case, temporary tattoos come to the rescue, which you can do yourself with ordinary henna. But here, too, everything is not as simple as it seems. So, for example, one of the popular questions related to this procedure: how should the powder be diluted correctly to get paint?

The main plus of henna tattoos is in absolute safety for the health of the main material, because it is temporary. Therefore, such tattoos are very popular among those who want to decorate their body for a while without harming themselves. However, a henna tattoo needs to be applied according to certain rules so that it turns out exactly as intended. And first of all, these rules relate to the correct dilution of the powder.

How to breed henna for tattooing at home

Correct dilution of henna powder means that you carefully prepare for such a seemingly banal action. The resulting colors can be different, it all depends on the method. It is best to use traditional oriental dye brewing recipes.

So, for example, to get red paint you will need:

  • red henna packaging
  • a cup of brewed strong black tea (preferably infused all night)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice (lemon must first be exposed for 12 hours in the sun)

Add lemon juice to tea and heat them up. Then place dry henna in this liquid. Despite the fact that it is produced in the form of a powder, it must first be wiped through a sieve to get rid of possible lumps.

Mix everything very thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous, no inclusions are allowed

A faster and easier way to brew henna involves adding tea directly at the time of brewing.

In this case, you will need:

  • 500 ml of water
  • 2 tsp black tea (dry brew)
  • 3 hours. L. lemon juice
  • henna packing

Boil water, add tea and cook for an hour, add lemon juice. Strain everything. Then mix with henna powder and leave to infuse for 2 hours.

Don’t ignore the addition of lemon juice to the colorant. It helps the dye penetrate the skin better

You can mix the red dye by adding red wine to the henna. If you use chamomile broth with Iranian henna, the dye will turn out to be slightly yellowish.

To prepare paint according to such recipes, you need to take:

  • 40 g henna powder
  • 250 ml of water
  • 250 ml of wine (or chamomile infusion)

Boil water, add dye enhancer to it and mix with henna powder.

For a brighter and more reddish shade, add clover to henna.

In this case, you can prepare the dye as follows.


  • 40 g henna
  • 500 ml of water
  • 5 tbsp. l. clover

Put the clover in boiling water, reduce the heat and slowly steam the grass for about 20 minutes. Strain the broth and mix with henna until smooth.

If you want a darker pattern, add some graphite while steaming the henna.

How to apply paint to leather

In order for the drawing to look good on the body, the skin must be thoroughly prepared. First of all, you need to go through the epilation procedure. This is due to the fact that henna lasts a long time on the hair, and it will come off the skin faster. The result will be a torn picture, which, of course, will not decorate you. In addition, it is advisable to wipe the place of the future pattern with olive oil in order to enhance the penetration of the coloring pigment into the skin. After that, you can safely start creating.

You need to apply a tattoo with a special stick. But as an option, you can use a needle (of course, sterile), a brush or a toothpick.

You need to draw on the body carefully, wiping off the streaks (if any) immediately so that they do not dry out

Refrigerate paint for about 3 hours before use. When drawing a picture, moisten the finished parts with a swab soaked in a mixture of lemon and sugar. This is necessary so that the drawing is saturated and does not fall off the skin. Remember that a henna tattoo takes a long time to dry, about 8 hours. Moreover, it is advisable to periodically expose it to the sun. Wipe the picture with oil for three more days after application. This will make the tattoo more lasting and more vibrant. You need to take care of a temporary tattoo all the rest of the time: do not go to the sauna, do not rub it with a washcloth.

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