Perhaps no Halloween party is complete without dark and frightening drinks. Someone buys a lot of alcohol and cooks a witch’s punch out of it, while someone does not bother and serves it as it is. But it’s worth a little imagination, how the idea of serving, say, beer in a pumpkin is born!
Yes, yes, it is the pumpkin, as one of the well-established symbols of Halloween, that is perfect for your party; your guests will definitely wonder what is inside, and probably not everyone will dare to try it, but the daredevils will definitely skim the cream!
They also make moonshine, tincture, syrup from pumpkin
The advantages of a pumpkin barrel are ease of manufacture, excellent capacity (you can always find a pumpkin of insane sizes at the market or in a store), as well as the cheapness of accessories from which the keg is made.
To make you will need: perfect pumpkin, sharpened knife, dispenser.
Making a barrel
Take a pumpkin, carefully cut the cap at the base of the ponytail, then clean the pumpkin of all the insides and “hanging” fibers. Ideally, you should have a rough orange skin on the inside. Make a hole for the dispenser in such a way that it covers the hole as tightly as possible (it is better to initially make the hole smaller than that of the dispenser, and then refine it). Fix the dispenser in the hole. Pour your favorite drink (in our case, beer) into the pumpkin. Of course, instead of beer, you can pour almost any drink and add ice to it if you wish, so feel free to experiment.
Fine! Now you have your pumpkin barrel. Surprise your guests and have fun!
Relevance: 30.10.2015
Tags: Tips and life hacks