Makeup remover milk

Milk for make-up removal is treated either with enthusiasm or with undisguised skepticism: well, why is it, if you can just wash yourself? We will understand the features of this product and find out why it is worth appreciating and whether there is reason to dislike it. The top five, according to the editors of Healthy-Food, copies – you note.

What is makeup remover milk

Milk is one of the leave-in care products designed for those who do not tolerate tap water and limit contact with it as much as possible. This product is used in the first stage of cleansing. And its main task is to rid the face of decorative cosmetics, excess fat and dust particles that the skin has collected during the day.

Skin care starts with make-up removal.

The basis of the makeup remover milk formula is:

  • water — gives the texture fluidity and ensures uniform application;

  • butter – the fatty fraction makes the consistency saturated, dissolves even resistant cosmetics without injuring the skin;

  • cleansing substances;

  • additional ingredients (more on them later).

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Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmetic milk is the least aggressive way to cleanse the skin, since it does not require the participation of water. All the positive properties of this product follow from this feature.

  1. Does not contain soap, alkali and surfactants that violate the pH of the skin and injure its protective hydrolipidic mantle.

  2. It has a delicate texture, which is especially pleasant for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin that needs the most delicate treatment.

  3. Removes stubborn makeup without causing irritation.

  4. Provides care during cleansing with additional ingredients: plant extracts, algae, natural oils, vitamins and antioxidants.

You don’t need to wash your face after milk, but the subsequent use of tonic is a must. After all, milk, even water-based, leaves a film on the skin that must be removed. Vichy medical expert Ekaterina Turubara explains:

The texture of milk or cosmetic cream is adhesive, that is, it does not allow the skin to breathe and the cream to be absorbed, although it reliably protects against dehydration. Therefore, the tonic is necessary to remove the remnants of the make-up remover along with the impurities.

Neglect of tonic can have sad consequences in the form of comedones, even in owners of normal skin. The fatty fraction of milk prevents the release of sebum to the surface of the epidermis, which leads to blockage of pores.

With proper use, milk is an ideal make-up remover product that provides both cleanliness and care at the same time. In addition to the effect of moisturizing and softening, common to all “milky-creamy” cosmetic textures, cleansing milk has a number of additional properties addressed to skin with different needs.

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How to choose milk according to skin type

When choosing a make-up remover milk, be guided by the label: it will tell you what type of skin the product is addressed to and what additional effect it has.

Milk removes stubborn makeup

For dry and sensitive skin

Water and oil are a great combination for skin prone to dryness and irritation. To alleviate her condition, milk includes moisturizing and soothing ingredients.

For normal and combination skin

Refreshing and pore-tightening ingredients enhance the feeling of cleanliness.

For oily and problem skin

Those with oily skin prefer rinse-off products and experience a feeling of impeccable cleanliness only if they wash with water. And problematic skin does require special products for cleansing – with a healing effect. Separate milk for these skin types is not produced due to lack of demand.

Cleansing is the first step in skin care. Look for antioxidants and vitamins in milk to help fight oxidative stress and balance the skin’s ecosystem.
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Application rules

The classic way is to apply milk on a cotton pad and wipe your face with it. A new trend that came from Asia is to apply milk with your hands. The main thing is that they are clean.

The milk is applied with a cotton pad or hands along the massage lines.

  1. Spread a little product on your fingertips and apply to the face with light circular motions – this method will improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

  2. Move from the center of the face to the periphery, from the middle of the forehead to the sides, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears, from the middle of the chin to the lobes.

  3. Apply a small amount of product to the nose and spread it from the wings of the nose to the sides and slightly up.

  4. On the lower eyelids, apply milk in the direction from the inner corners of the eyes, on the upper – from the outer corners.

The milk is removed with a cotton pad, napkin or, in Asian style, with a damp towel along the same massage lines along which it was applied. Do not forget to wipe your face with tonic.
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Funds overview

In the top five, according to Healthy-Food, we included a lotion addressed to different skin types, including combination, as well as one original product that works “for three”.

  1. Milk for dry and sensitive skin “Absolute tenderness”, L’Oréal Paris

    Gallic rose extract moisturizes, improves skin elasticity, relieves discomfort; jasmine extract soothes, softens.

  2. Cleansing milk “Basic care” with grape extract, Garnier

    Designed for normal and combination skin, 96% natural ingredients. Gently removes makeup without clogging pores.

  3. Makeup remover milk Pure Ritual Care in Milk, Helena Rubinstein

    Includes smoothing glycolic acid, gently cleanses the skin, suitable for the area around the eyes.

  4. Make-up remover milk with rose water, Garnier

    Like the entire updated range of “Basic care”, the product is 96% natural ingredients! The product cares for the cleanliness and well-being of dry and sensitive skin, gently removing makeup and impurities.

  5. Universal cleanser 3-in-1 Pureté Thermale, Vichy

    Combines the action of milk, toner and eye make-up remover. It works quickly and is so gentle that it suits sensitive skin. Contains nourishing shea butter, vitamin E and glycerin. Unlike classic milk, you do not need to use tonic lotions after it.

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