Makeup for pregnant women Saratov

Many girls prepare for a regular photo session on their own. It’s not so difficult to tidy up your face if you’ve already mastered the basics of makeup. However, a “pregnant photo shoot” is a completely different matter. Due to the changes that occur in the body, age spots, pimples or slight swelling may appear on the face of the expectant mother. And although others do not notice such trifles at all, the woman herself may feel uncomfortable. How to create a graceful image, add self-confidence and leave the most delicate photographs as a keepsake of an amazing time? The popular Saratov make-up artist tells Ekaterina Krutogolova:

“Your“ pregnant makeup ”for a photo session should not be very different from what you are used to in everyday life. As a rule, we make the make-up in soft, pastel colors. Foundation or powder is selected to a tone lighter than usual, lipstick or lip gloss – warm shades, but the shadows can be chosen a little brighter to emphasize the eyes. The main thing is that the makeup reflects the mood of the future mother and emphasizes her femininity. “

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