Makeup: all shades of my mood

When we apply eye shadow or lipstick, we don’t think that their color can affect behavior, well-being, even health. And some shades of makeup do affect our relationships with others, career and personal life.

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Color wave treatment, or chromotherapy, is very popular today. It is also used as an auxiliary method in the treatment of certain diseases, in particular skin diseases, and in psychotherapy, and to enhance the effects of cosmetics and medicines. The leaders of large companies are turning to chromotherapists with a request to choose the right shade for walls, lamps and furniture in order to increase the productivity of employees. This is not a whim and not a fleeting fashion. Even from the school physics course, we know that each color has its own wavelength and in one way or another affects the body. Moreover, both directly, through the eyes, and indirectly, through the skin, or rather, its nerve endings. These thinnest fibers are sensitive to fluctuations in color waves and send appropriate signals to the brain. Even when we sleep or just lie with our eyes closed, the light energy of surrounding objects does not leave the body alone. And both positively and negatively. That is why chromotherapist consultations have become so popular among designers, and in spa centers – color baths and rainbow lamps that illuminate the client with a certain right spectrum. This enhances, on the one hand, the effect of the procedure – the skin perceives cosmetic products better. On the other hand, the emotional state of the client. And he will want to return to such a pleasant place again.

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Face drawings

Strange as it may seem, make-up can be a powerful source of color waves. The combination of shades on the face can affect not only mood and performance, but also the reaction of others. Of course, make-up artists and stylists who create fashion trends do not think about it. But you have to live with their creativity on your face. Therefore, you should be more thoughtful about make-up trends and adapt them depending on the situation, mood, environment and your temperament. And here it is important to remember what message each color carries.

Red line

According to the postulates of chromotherapy, red increases internal energy, normalizes metabolism. But in an overdose, it can cause aggression in others. Therefore, when going to business negotiations or an interview for a new job, forget about red lipstick and bright blush in combination with a scarlet suit. On the other hand, there is nothing more erotic than red lips. But this is another story, far from color therapy.

Orange sky

Orange color helps to cope with insecurity, fatigue, anxiety, blues and depression. Maybe this is the meaning of the orange robes of Tibetan monks, who bring harmony to our world? So if you are in a bad mood, you should use the now fashionable orange blush, make up your lips with coral lipstick or shade a bronzer with reddish undertones over your face. And maybe it will help a colleague opposite. Let him look at your face, absorb the flow of orange and cheer up.

Yellow Pages

Yellow color increases concentration, improves mood, memory, enhances thought processes. And it seems that makeup artists still found out about his abilities: there are a lot of yellow shadows in the new makeup collections. By applying yellow shadows before the exam, you will certainly stimulate your mental activity, but only through the skin. So paint your nails with yellow polish too: the effect will be double.

Yellow sharpens attention, improves mood, stimulates memory. There are just a lot of yellow shadows in the new makeup collections.

Green noise

Since childhood, we know that green has a calming and relaxing effect. Therefore, if you need to focus, use green makeup to a minimum. Its shades are also inappropriate before a romantic date. After all, you need passion, not a calm conversation. Although green shadows combined with red lipstick can make an explosive effect. But in a situation where you have to ask for an unscheduled vacation or participate in a difficult meeting, draw a dark green line along the upper eyelid and paint over the eyelashes with mascara to match. This will allow you to gently achieve your goal.

Blue Lagoon

Blue is calming, but not relaxing. It harmonizes the state of the soul, gives a feeling of peace and relieves stress. It also improves immunity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. So makeup in azure tones is indispensable in the off-season, in difficult life situations and in a bad mood. Blue mascara, shadows, nail polish are not without reason so relevant in our stressful time.

Everything is purple to me

Purple is believed to help with migraines. But most importantly, this color enhances intuition. Before the day when you have to make responsible decisions, apply purple eye shadow, lipstick or varnish. And often look at yourself in the mirror.

Pink glasses

Pink has always symbolized health, spontaneity, cheerfulness and femininity. But there is one ticklish moment – associations with childhood and dresses of little girls. So do not overdo it so as not to look grotesque. But don’t give up completely! No other color visually rejuvenates as much as pink. Be sure to use its cold or warm nuances in makeup.

Brown sugar

Brown is a sign of seriousness and warmth. Mascara and shadows of these shades are allies in communication with colleagues. Lipstick choose light and coffee tones. Dark brown lips “throw” for several years and look aggressive.

Gray mouse

But gray, surprisingly, correlates with self-doubt, a tendency to depression and apathy. Do you need to make that impression? Although many successful business women who have chosen this shade in clothes and makeup can reasonably dispute this connection.

In fact, all the above statements have no direct evidence. But it is likely that, starting to experiment with makeup shades, you will discover new properties in them. And thanks to these experiments, chromotherapy will make another historical turn.

History in color

Chromotherapy has been known since antiquity. In ancient Egypt, there were temples built so skillfully that the sunlight penetrating inside broke up into seven primary colors. The zone of each of them was occupied by people with different diseases, confident that this spectrum would heal them.

In ancient India and China, the healing properties of color were part of the national medicine and practice of Ayurveda. In Europe and the USA, interest in chromotherapy began at the end of the 1878th century. Then it began to be used for therapeutic purposes. In XNUMX, Dr. Babbitt’s The Principles of Light and Color was published.

In 1933, the work of the Indian scientist Dinshah Gadiali “Encyclopedia of Spectrometry” was published, information from which formed the basis for the use of chromotherapy in the XNUMXth century.

In the mid-1980s, Pierre van Obbergen proved that if a person is presented with randomly arranged different colors, and then asked to discard half, then from the remaining shades one can draw conclusions about the psycho-emotional state and many other characteristics of the patient.

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