Do you wear prescription glasses and are not satisfied when you look in the mirror? Glasses change the size of your eyes? You can invest in modern eyeglass lenses to counteract this effect, but if you don’t have the funds for it at the moment, don’t worry! Learn the secrets of how to optically correct the size of the eye with makeup and feel comfortable in your favorite frames.
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Make-up for the farsighted person
If you are farsighted, you wear “pluses”, or glasses that make your eye and its surroundings larger, the greater your vision defect. You should then apply eye makeup with special care. Here’s a suggestion for a quick and easy correction. For make-up optically reducing the eyes, we use satin shadows, not pearly. We avoid smudging and rubbing lines, we draw simple, perfect contours.
Apply a bright concealer to the upper and lower eyelids of the eye with a sponge or brush. Any undesirable defects, such as shadows or pink eyelids, should be carefully covered. We apply evenly a light shade, e.g. beige or cream – selected according to the skin tone. We delicately mark the outer corner of the eye with a darker shade. Just below the brow ridge, we apply a slightly lighter shade to emphasize the eyebrow line, which must be carefully adjusted, emphasized and combed. We optically thicken the eyelashes by drawing a dark, thin line on the upper eyelid with dark eyeliner. On the lower eyelid, on the inner edge of the eye, we make a dark line that will make the eye a bit smaller. With a properly selected brush / eyelash spiral, we mascara them very carefully, we do not paint the lower eyelashes. We must remember that the lenses of our glasses will enlarge every, even the smallest lump or sticky eyelashes! Finally, we check the skin under the eyes once again, remove, for example, the dropped shadow from under the eyelids, apply the appropriate eye concealer and it’s ready!
Makeup for myopic
We will apply the reverse rule in the case of myopia. For those of you who wear “minus” lenses that make your eyes smaller, we need to do eye makeup. For this purpose, the desired shadows for the middle part of the eye will be pearl, luminous, metallic shadows – gold or silver, depending on the jewelry worn. Smoky eyes make-up will work well: rub the eyeliner drawn around the eyes and cover it with a dark shadow. We enlarge the eye with a white crayon, drawing a white line along the inner contour of the eye. We cover the eyelashes very precisely, but we can afford much more mascara, e.g. thickening and lengthening eyelashes. Let’s not forget about the eyebrows, which immediately attract attention in our face after the frames of the glasses, so let’s take care of them so that they are carefully maintained, adjusted, naturally darkened and combed. We finalize the make-up gently brightening the eye area with a bright eye concealer paying attention to avoid the so-called “Panda eyes” using too bright concealer.
Advice was provided by a certified cosmetic and make-up artist: Aneta Łukasik from the Beauty Center,
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Photo from: Gellscom / Foter / CC BY-ND
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