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Beauty and slimness advice from professionals.

What do we need in the spring, girls? We need to be beautiful, slim and be sure to be loved! And even though you gained extra weight over the winter, and your complexion is still far from ideal, putting yourself in order is not so difficult as it seems.

Three simple steps to beauty and harmony will be helped by the specialists of the Medical and Psychological Center for Weight Loss. “Doctor Bormenthal”.

First advice, psychological. Make love … to yourself!

You must be the first who cares about you! Spiritual attitude, love and self-respect are the first and main step towards a decent appearance. You can lose weight quickly by following almost any diet and doing nothing else. And then just as rapidly recover back. Because deep down, you continue to think of yourself as a fat woman, only thinner. Because it is very difficult to change the way of thinking and attitudes towards food. Because, in the end, no one has canceled the mass of medical and psychological nuances of weight loss, and you have not even heard of them.

It is important to understand how to build your life further in order to maintain the achieved results and not turn your life into a hell of limitations.

Kirill Vladimirovich Bondar, PhD in Psychology, a practicing psychologist at the Dr. Bormental weight loss center, is sure that without competent professional support it will not be possible to effectively either lose weight or maintain the result. On such a path you need to go with a guide.

– In our center, all weight loss programs involve constant psychological support. Any program begins and ends with a psychologist. It is very important to properly tune in to weight loss. It is equally important to understand how to build your life further in order to maintain the achieved results and not turn your life into a hell of limitations. In our center, special attention is paid to the psychological mood. Long-term weight support programs – “Antistress”, “Free breathing” and others – accompany our clients all the way to slimness. Don’t stress yourself! It is better to hire a good psychologist to help and lose weight with joy.

Second, cosmetic advice. You can’t forbid being beautiful!

Our consultant, Elena Nikolaevna Kalugina, Director of the Medical and Psychological Center for Weight Loss “Doctor Bormenthal”, advises a systematic approach to beauty and no fanaticism. Self-care should be regular, take a little time and cost a reasonable price. And then beauty and harmony at any time of the year are guaranteed to you. Well, when a woman feels charming and prettier, the attention of a strong half of humanity is as inevitable as the arrival of spring!

– An important component of beauty and harmony is a healthy diet. The daily presence of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits on your table will saturate the body with vitamins, trace elements and fiber. And as a result, you will inevitably improve your health and overall appearance.

Combining home and hardware self-care is no longer a wish, but an urgent need in our fast-paced century. Of the programs that are popular with us, I want to draw the attention of women losing weight to procedures such as hardware cosmetology, wraps, massage. Losing weight is not enough. You also need to keep your skin elastic and healthy, and avoid stretch marks. And in this we can help.

Combining home and hardware self-care is no longer a wish, but an urgent need in our fast-paced century.

The main advantage of hardware cosmetology is, of course, a quick and long-lasting effect. Now you can get rid of a few extra centimeters from the very first session! Hardware techniques act directly on problem areas. With their help, problems with fat deposits are solved not only on the abdomen and hips, but also on the back, arms, knees. Such procedures are not only pleasant, they immerse a woman in a state of complete relaxation. Modern developments, which are now used in hardware cosmetology, allow not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to restore skin tone, remove stretch marks, scars, and avoid sagging skin after weight loss. Young, radiant health, smooth skin, slim figure – all this is available to every woman!

Third advice, spring

Do not be surprised, but all of the above is unlikely to help you if you rarely smile. The first and prerequisite for female beauty is inner harmony and joy of life. Always and in everything look for the good – and you will surely find it, and the good will find you. A woman needs to love herself, and these are far from empty words. Know how to relax, know how to disconnect from the hustle and bustle. Wake up the Woman in yourself, go out into the street, to people, rejoice in the arrival of spring and love! Love and pamper yourself – and in return the whole world will love you!

Get rid of extra pounds will help you here!

The story of the patient of the clinic about how she was helped to get rid of extra pounds, see here.

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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