Make love during pregnancy

Make love during pregnancy

Safe sex

Medically, sexual activity can be continued throughout pregnancy.

Sex does not increase the risk of miscarriage, and the duration of pregnancy does not correlate with the frequency or intensity of intercourse (1). Anatomically, it is impossible to “hurt” the baby during intercourse because it is protected by the amniotic cavity. Likewise, the penis cannot cause a crack in the water bag. The mucous plug, a mass of cervical mucus that hermetically seals the cervix until the end of pregnancy, prevents any infectious agents from reaching the uterus. Finally, if it is true that orgasm can cause uterine contractions, these have no effect on the good progress of the pregnancy (except in the event of a threat of premature birth).

With an increasingly large belly, it is however necessary to adapt the positions for more comfort. It also happens that during pregnancy, vaginal dryness appears. It is therefore advisable to use a lubricant without coloring or perfume.

Some medical contraindications

In some situations, penetrative sex may be contraindicated:

  • in the event of a threat of premature labor diagnosed by the doctor or midwife, because orgasm can lead to contractions
  • en cas de preliminary cake
  • in case of bleeding, it is necessary to consult
  • in the event of a crack in the water bag, because there is then an infectious risk
  • in the event of a herpes outbreak or if the expectant mother or father is a carrier of genital herpes, wearing a condom is recommended, especially in the third trimester.

Even if the subject may seem, wrongly, taboo, do not hesitate to seek advice from your gynecologist or midwife.

An evolving sexuality

If sexual intercourse is not contraindicated during pregnancy, the urge must be present, in both men and women. However, during these nine months, the libido can go on a roller coaster: it varies greatly depending on the term of the pregnancy, any medical problems, the couple, the way in which each one considers this pregnancy and his future role as a parent. Also there is no “normal” sexuality during pregnancy but different situations, knowing that the most important is to maintain communication within the couple and to find common ground on the subject.

Announcement of the news, nausea of ​​pregnancy, fatigue, vomiting, fear of miscarriage…: the first trimester often goes hand in hand with a decrease in desire. Once the pregnancy aches and fears of the first trimester are over, and before the stomach really gets bulky in the third trimester and fatigue sets in, the second trimester is usually the most conducive to sex. But again, there is no rule.

The libido also fluctuates according to the psychic state of the mother-to-be, the way she apprehends the changes in her body. Blossoming, some future mothers will experience a real disinhibition during their pregnancy while others on the contrary will have difficulty accepting their physical changes or reconciling their status as a woman carrying life with that of a lover. Very early in pregnancy, some will feel the need to focus on their baby.

For its part, the desire of the dad can also evolve. Some men are indeed disturbed by the presence of the baby or fear that it will hurt him. Others, on the contrary, will see their libido increase tenfold.

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