Make him happy

How to program Baby to Happiness?

Respond to crying

Above all, do not listen to the good souls who push you to ignore Baby’s cries, at the risk of making a spoiled child. Once and for all: lhen a toddler starts to cry, he is not having a whim. It expresses discomfort, even suffering, which only you can put an end to. It takes time to learn to interpret each of your crying and respond to it properly, but the most important thing is to respond to it every time.

Anger? We soothe

Aside from whims, the anger of a toddler is most often the expression of suffering. Too small to be able to handle them on his own, he needs his mom to help him regain his composure. Instead of considering his crises as a desire to manipulate or make the other bend to his demands, try to put yourself in his shoes : It’s a tragedy for him that you refuse to buy him candy, or that his brother has stolen his little car. So, don’t react by yelling louder than him or punishing him. On the contrary, keep calm by hugging him, and speaking to him softly in simple, reassuring words.

Long live tenderness!

Safe for health, tenderness is to be consumed … without any moderation ! Take every opportunity to hug your cherub and shower him with kisses. Just because he’s grown up doesn’t mean he doesn’t need his beloved mom anymore. Do not deprive yourself of tget your infant as close as possible, all against you. Install it in its front baby carrier or on your back securely tied in a baby sling, then go about your business. He will feel better there than alone in his bed or in his stroller.

If baby has colic, it is difficult to fall asleep, or if he keeps crying despite your best attempts, don’t hesitate to hug him and rock him. Nothing like contact with your body to ease their anxieties and its sores.

Talking to Baby the Easy Way

It is not ridiculous or unnecessary. You can have real conversations with a toddler, even if he does not yet know how to express himself in words. Right after birth, he became more interested in faces and especially eyes. He seeks your gaze, do not deny it to him. Enjoy long moments with him, eye to eye, from the age of 3 months. Position yourself in front of him, talking to him, then give him time to respond with sounds, movements and facial expressions. Do not neglect these privileged moments necessary for the construction of his ego.


Show him your pride

Does he draw a nice picture or help his younger sister? Can he recite his entire alphabet without fail? Praise your toddler by emphasizing his act, not his person: “That’s nice of you” instead of “You’re nice”. Underline each of his small daily efforts. And if he has trouble climbing the last step of the stairs, encourage him but don’t act for him by hoisting it to the top. If you feel him failing, just point him in the right direction.

Marvel at the little things of everyday life

A butterfly flying away, a few shoots emerging from the earth, a clearing between two showers… there are plenty of opportunities to be amazed every day, provided you know how to look at the world and be sensitive to its beauty. From his first walks in a stroller, Baby absorbs the details that surround him as eagerly as a sponge. Don’t hesitate to name what you see. When he gets a little bigger, why not draw his attention to the odd shaped clouds, the sparkling moon, etc. It’s up to you to teach him to observe. And when he shows you an animal, a landscape or a house, show interest and enthusiasm.

Help baby to discover himself: the positive attitude

No, we don’t win every time. We do not always succeed from the first attempt. Teach your little one to be a good player. Encourage him to persevere and not give up at the first obstacle. Moreover, you are his model in your everyday life: “I thought I was successful in my job interview this morning. It does not matter. It will be for next time. In the meantime, I will continue to send CVs. ” Finally, be optimistic as often as possible, in order to teach him to see the bottle always half full, and not half empty. And that not only is good for Baby, but it benefits the whole family.

Develop your little inner world

Give your toddler the means to develop his inner universe, so that he can use it during moments of solitude. Limit as much as possible the time spent in front of the TV, which arouses passivity. Offer him, on the contrary, a stimulating environment, which awakens his imagination and his creative spirit. Place everyday objects at their disposal in a basket or drawer: kitchen utensils, pieces of fabric, egg cartons, wrapping paper, clothespins, etc.

Also regularly suggest new activities. Show him, for example, how to build a cabin with chairs and sheets or make small boats out of leaves and twigs. Let him explore new materials and stick his hands in the earth, the mud, the sand. Don’t block his creative impulse by forbidding him to get dirty. Instead, dress him in an old shirt to let him have fun. And long live the imagination!

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