Under the chiming clock, it is customary to make the most cherished wish. We want to believe that it will come true. But how to understand what we really dream about?
For many, 2020 has been a challenging, strange and unpredictable year. Every day brought something new — new circumstances, events, actions, decisions, experiences. All this can go unnoticed or get lost in the daily hustle and bustle. Now is the best time to stop, look back and look at the path traveled from different angles.
Before setting yourself new goals and making wishes, it is important to realize and appropriate the experience gained. Let it become a support and a resource, and not a burden that you will carry with you into the new year.
The existence of each of us is filled with different meanings. And you need to maintain a balance, not losing sight of anything important. Therefore, summing up the results of the year, ask yourself questions taking into account all areas of your life:
- families;
- relationships;
- health:
- hobby, recreation, entertainment;
- financial;
- work;
- personal growth and development;
- mental state, emotions.
And most importantly, take stock not to find mistakes or unfulfilled goals. Do this in order to get to know yourself better and see what your year has been filled with.
Questions for debriefing
- What have you learned?
- To whom and for what are you grateful?
- What are you proud of? What made you especially happy this year?
- What challenges did you face and what supported you? What was the most difficult?
- What would you do differently?
- What have you learned about yourself? What has changed for you in a year?
- How have you taken care of yourself this year? How were others taken care of?
- What do you remember the most about this year?
- What would you say to yourself today a year ago?
- What word or metaphor would you use to describe the past year (or maybe every month of it) for all areas of your life? Maybe it will be some kind of image, color, sound or feeling.
What do you really want?
Yes, on New Year’s Eve it is customary to make wishes and set goals for the coming year. And there are many ways that help to correctly formulate desires and set goals.
But first of all, it is worth answering the question: “What do I really want?”
Behind every desire we have is an unfulfilled need. For example, the need for security may be behind the desire for a million dollars. The thirst for new activities may indicate a need for recognition and respect.
And sometimes it turns out that the desire does not belong to you at all, that it was generated by parental attitudes or patterns imposed by society. In this case, you can start sabotaging its implementation, and the desire will remain on the wish list until the end of next year.
Think about what you want in every area of your life. What will help you decide?
4 questions to understand your desires
- Do I really want it?
- It’s my wish?
- Am I doing this for myself?
- Is it really important to me?
Technique «5 why»
It can be used to understand what need is behind your desire. When declaring your “I want”, ask yourself: “Why do I need this?”
With each successive answer, ask yourself the same question at least five times. The answers may surprise you and give you food for thought about what you are missing and what you can do to meet your needs.
I wish you the fulfillment of your most secret desires!