Major gods of ancient Rome

In the mythology of ancient Rome, as in ancient Greek, one of the key places is occupied by gods associated with various aspects of life and death. Among them, the main ones are the children of Saturn and Ops (third generation), as well as the children of Jupiter (fourth generation).


Pantheon of the main gods of Ancient Rome

The table below shows the names of the 14 main gods of Ancient Rome and their role / place in ancient Roman mythology.

1Jupiterthe supreme deity of the Romans and the father of all gods; god of thunder and lightning, sky and daylight
2Junosister and wife of Jupiter; goddess of family and marriage, women and motherhood
3Neptunebrother of Jupiter; god of the seas and oceans
4Ceressister of Jupiter; goddess of fertility and harvest, patroness of motherhood
5Vestasister of Jupiter; goddess of home and family
6Plutobrother of Jupiter; ruler of the realm of the dead, god of wealth
7Apolloson of Jupiter; the personification of male beauty; bok-patron of the arts, muses, settlers; healer and predictor of the future
8Venusdaughter of Jupiter; goddess of love, desire and beauty, as well as fertility and prosperity
9Vulcanson of Jupiter; god of fire, patron of blacksmiths and casters
10Dianadaughter of Jupiter; goddess of hunting, flora and fauna, femininity and fertility
11Liberson of Jupiter; god of fertility and fertilizing power, as well as winemaking
12Marsson of Jupiter; god of War
13Mercuryson of Jupiter; god of merchants, thieves and travelers; patron of trade and enrichment
14Minervadaughter of Jupiter; goddess of wisdom and military affairs; patroness of science, crafts and arts

В council of the gods included Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Ceres, Vesta and Juno. They are all brothers or sisters to each other.

Ancient Roman gods and their ancient Greek counterparts

ancient roman mythologyancient greek mythology

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