Major gods of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt occupies an important place in the history of mankind. Part of the legacy of this great civilization has survived to this day, the clearest examples of which are the pyramids and tombs of the pharaohs, shrouded in many secrets and legends, as well as ancient Egyptian mythology.


Gods of Ancient Egypt

The table below provides a list with the names of the main gods and deified creatures / objects of the ancient Egyptians with their brief description (in alphabetical order).

(или Хеп)»>Апис

(или Хеп)

(или Анхур)»>Онурис

(или Анхур)

(или Бастет)»>Баст

(или Бастет)

(или Бен-Бен)»>Бенну

(или Бен-Бен)

(или Хор/Горус)»>Гор

(или Хор/Горус)

(или Инпу)»>Анубис

(или Инпу)

(или Исет)»>Исида

(или Исет)

(или Небетхет)»>Нефтида

(или Небетхет)

(или Усир)»>Осирис

(или Усир)

(или Офоис)»>Упуаут

(или Офоис)

(или Сетх)»>Сет

(или Сетх)

(или глаз Гора)»>Уаджет

(или глаз Гора)

(или Хатор)»>Хатхор

(или Хатор)

1AmonGod of black sky and air. Later – the sun god Amon-Ra (under the New Kingdom).
2Sacred bull in ancient Egyptian mythology.
3The god of the hunt, as well as the god of war.
4BanebdjedetGod of fertility, fertility and fertility.
5Goddess of female beauty, fertility, fun, love, hearth; patroness of cats.
6An analogue of the Phoenix bird. According to ancient Egyptian mythology, it is the soul of the god Ra.
7GebGod of the earth.
8God of the sky and the sun; patron of the pharaohs.
9 ImhotepSage, astrologer and architect of the Old Kingdom. Later, he was revered as the god of medicine and healer.
10God of funeral rituals and mummification, connoisseur of healing herbs. “Guardian of the Scales” at the trial of Osiris in the realm of the dead.
11Goddess of femininity and motherhood.
12MinGod of fertility and harvest, cattle breeding, reproduction and male power. The patron of wandering caravans and the “lord of the desert.”
13Goddess of birth and death, protector of the dead.
14NateGoddess of hunting and war, protector of women and guardian of marriage.
15Do not speakGod in the form of a falcon on a boat. The patron saint of caravans going through the Eastern Desert to the Red Sea.
16Chick-peaGoddess of the sky.
17The king of the underworld, the judge of the souls of the dead and the god of rebirth.
18God of war in the form of a wolf; guide of the dead in the Duat (the underworld).
19PtahGod of the dead, truth and order; creator of the world.
20RaSupreme deity in ancient Egyptian religion. Sun God.
21God of war and death, rage, sandstorms and destruction. The patron of world evil.
22TefnutGoddess of moisture, dew, moist air, rain, as well as fertility and calendar seasons.
23God of knowledge and wisdom. Patron of scientists and libraries, guardian of world order.
24The symbol in the mythology of Ancient Egypt is the left hawk eye of the god Horus, knocked out in a fight with Set.
25HapiGod of the annual floods of the Nile River, patron of the harvest.
26Goddess of fertility, motherhood, as well as love, joy, fun and dancing. Also revered as the goddess of the sky.
27HerisheffGod of fertility and water, patron of hunting and fishing.
28HonsMoon god
29ChuGod of air and sunlight.

Ancient Egyptian gods and their ancient Greek/Roman counterparts

(или Хеп)»>Апис

(или Хеп)

(или Анхур)»>Онурис

(или Анхур)

(или Бастет)»>Баст

(или Бастет)

(или Бен-Бен)»>Бенну

(или Бен-Бен)

(или Хор/Горус)»>Гор

(или Хор/Горус)

(или Инпу)»>Анубис

(или Инпу)

(или Исет)»>Исида

(или Исет)

(или Небетхет)»>Нефтида

(или Небетхет)

(или Усир)»>Осирис

(или Усир)

(или Офоис)»>Упуаут

(или Офоис)

(или Сетх)»>Сет

(или Сетх)

(или глаз Гора)»>Уаджет

(или глаз Гора)

(или Хатор)»>Хатхор

(или Хатор)

Ancient EgyptAncient GreeceAncient Rome
1AmonZeus, SerapisJupiter
2Serapis, Epaphus
3Apollo, AresMars
5Artemis, AphroditeDiana, Venus
8Hercules, OrionHercules
9 ImhotepAsclepiusAesculapius
10Hermes, KronosMercury, Saturn
11Hera, Demeter, Io, Persephone, ThetisJuno, Ceres, Proserpina
13Aphrodite, NikeVenus, Victoria
15Do not speakAntey
17Hades, Helios, Dionysus, Poseidon, Serapis, ErosPluto, Salt, Bacchus, Neptune, Cupid
18Macedon, AresMars
23 HermesMercury
27HerisheffHercules, DionysusHercules

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