Faced with a medical problem, we are nervous, worried. This kind of stress is not good for us. How to maintain mental balance during the period of illness and the danger of stress for a weakened body, says cardiologist Samir Ater.
Maintaining mental balance during illness is not easy. But the effort is worth it: by keeping our presence of mind, we can, if not speed up recovery, then at least keep the situation under control. Cardiologist Samir Ater explains how our mental and physical well-being are interconnected and what you need to pay attention to.
Psychologies Can illness worsen mental health?
Samir Ater Faced with this or that disease, we inevitably begin to get nervous. Every chronic illness has its emotional component. But the problem is that the body that fights the disease may not have enough strength to cope with the negative effects of stress. If you are limited in movement and forced to stay in bed, your brain gets free rein and you get stuck on negative thoughts, endlessly analyzing your condition and reflecting on disappointing prospects.
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness reinforce the general sense of frustration that builds up over time. In addition, some medications, such as steroids, can have a negative effect on the state of mind, causing mood swings in particular. All this can bring you to physical and mental exhaustion, which will complicate the overall picture of the disease.
Why is it important to watch for alarms?
S.A.: Negative thoughts are not always unhealthy. They say that you are aware of your condition and do not try to deny what is happening. Realizing the seriousness of the situation is a complex process, and it is undoubtedly accompanied by deep feelings. But if these feelings are allowed to run rampant and out of control, the outcome can be devastating in the long run. Recognizing the symptoms of a deeper mental problem can be difficult. Often they are referred to as manifestations of the underlying disease. Depression is usually accompanied by headaches, back pain, lack of appetite, sleep problems – and all these are very, very common symptoms.
Often the signs of depression are confused with other diseases, because its symptoms are very common: headaches, back pain, sleep disturbance
Considering them signs of physical illness, many ignore them, and depression goes unnoticed. Be attentive to your loved ones for sudden changes in their mood and for painful sensations that cannot be directly related to their diagnosis or medication. These could be signs of depression.
Encourage the patient to talk about his inner state, let him vent dissatisfaction, fear and other negative emotions, instead of trying to cope with them on his own or keep them to himself. And it is better to do this as early as possible, because over time he will develop a kind of self-defense mechanism for himself from these difficult feelings, and it will be more difficult to talk to him.
How do emotional problems affect physical condition?
S.A.: As mentioned above, depression can cause physical pain, loss of appetite, and trouble sleeping. Moreover, a person in this state sleeps too much, but does not feel sleepy. Stress itself creates many problems, ranging from headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems. These manifestations can reduce the effectiveness of drugs and provoke their side effects, which makes treatment even more difficult.
A positive attitude works like a placebo. By itself, it is not able to heal, but surprisingly improves the quality of life in general.
Stress also triggers the release of certain hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones signal the liver to produce more glucose. If left unchecked, stress levels can lead to the development of diabetes, especially in those who are predisposed to it. Finally, it is important to understand that a person suffering from depression is the least likely to engage in full treatment and follow the recommendations given by a professional doctor.
How does a positive attitude help?
S.A.: We all know about the power that consciousness has over our body. Thanks to the mechanism of self-hypnosis, a placebo effect arose. In medicine, a placebo is usually viewed from a negative point of view, as a deception of the patient: a person believes that the drug works, although from a scientific point of view it should not, instills this in himself and feels that he is getting better. However, in recent years, it has been repeatedly proven that placebos can act like real drugs.
In one study, patients were given pain medication and told it was a placebo. After taking the pills, they reported that they did not feel any effect. Another group was given the same drug, this time with its true name, and then the subjects admitted that the drug worked wonderfully, and the result exceeded their expectations. A positive attitude works in much the same way. Although it is not able to cure diseases by itself, it improves the quality of life in general in an amazing way.
Acceptance of everything that scares you is a much more effective way to free yourself from anxiety.
It has been proven, for example, that the expectation of a positive placebo effect triggers a chemical mechanism: our brain begins to produce endorphins – natural compounds that have an analgesic and calming effect. In general, a sincere belief that you will get better helps tremendously: it reduces stress levels, relieves some symptoms associated with the disease, and removes the side effect of certain medications. It also gives you the strength and energy you need to focus on solving the real problem.
What can each of us do?
S.A.: An important clarification: optimism should not be confused with denial of the situation. Accepting everything that scares you so much is a much more effective way to free yourself from anxiety. If your loved one is seriously ill, don’t try to act like nothing is happening. Recognize that it is very difficult for him now, and try to talk to him, if, of course, he is in the mood to share his experiences.
Has the disease affected you personally? In the same way, you should not pretend for the sake of the peace of your loved ones that everything is fine with you. But at the same time, you can always find a way to make a few light jokes about your problems and encourage others to do the same. You will see that your situation is not as difficult as you thought, if you look at it from the right angle.
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About expert
Sameer Ather, cardiologist based in Birmingham, Alabama, co-founder and director of a professional healthcare website