Main focus: reference eyebrows in the XNUMXth century and now
Modern fashion strives for naturalness and naturalness. And the fashion for eyebrows also does not lag behind the general trends. Today, the trend is for eyebrows of a natural natural shape and natural density. But this was not always the case. This important part of the face, actively participating in facial expressions, from time immemorial was subjected to adjustments and corrections in accordance with fashion, which sometimes reached the point of absurdity.
Beautiful eyebrows: the history of fashion
Even over the past decades, the fashion for the shape of the eyebrows has changed more than once. And what can we say about centuries and even millennia. In ancient China, they paid attention to the fact that eyebrows reflect a person’s emotions well. Therefore, Chinese men and especially warriors began to tint their eyebrows with black paint, making their face more severe to intimidate the enemy.
In ancient Egypt, during the time of Nefertiti, full body hair removal, including the removal of eyebrows, was fashionable. And then black and wide eyebrows were drawn on the smooth skin. But in the era of Cleopatra, high-born people tinted their existing eyebrows with black paint. Density and black color were considered beautiful and fashionable.
In Central Asia, a single curved line was considered an attractive shape of eyebrows. Beauties were supposed to wear eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose. For this, the bridge of the nose was painted with usma.
Because Usma is a natural stimulant of hair growth, then later the girls on the bridge of the nose actually began to grow hairs
The era of the Middle Ages dictated the fashion for a high open forehead. For this, the girls of those “dark” ages shaved the hair on their foreheads and plucked their eyebrows completely. After that, the face became more mysterious and, supposedly, expressed holiness. And during the Renaissance, an even stranger fashion came for fake eyebrows made from mouse skins. But this trend, like any makeup on the face, could bring the fashionista to the fire of the Inquisition. That’s really the truth – beauty requires sacrifice!
In Medieval Russia, fortunately, they did not go to such extremes as in Europe. Russian beauties were fashionable with black, arched eyebrows, which were called sable. They are surmili to give the bend a clearer and more beautiful line and brightness of color.
Modern fashion for beautiful eyebrows
In the twentieth century, the fashion for eyebrows has undergone a dramatic change. In the 20s and 40s, girls knew exactly how to make beautiful eyebrows – they had to be plucked to the state of a thin thread. Following the movie star of the 20s Mary Pickford, fashionistas completely plucked their eyebrows and drew new ones, drawing a line to the temples. And Marlene Dietrich in the 30s made the beauties suffer thoroughly – now the eyebrows had to be in the form of a thin thread, raised up in surprise.
In the 50s, eyebrows stopped plucking, though not for long. Audrey Hepburn, whom many girls of that time aspired to be like, had bushy eyebrows. In the 60s and 70s, the eyebrow strings returned. And only in the 80s, Brooks Shields returned the girls to their nature – bushy eyebrows of a natural shape. But with one small caveat – now contrast is in vogue. Blondes had to wear dark, bushy eyebrows, and nothing else.
In recent decades, the fashion for eyebrows has changed so rapidly that it is becoming more difficult to keep track of it. The second decade of the XXI century dictates a natural, but slightly corrected eyebrow shape.
Benefit experts now identify four leading eyebrow shapes –
Straight lines. These are typical “Asian” eyebrows – their lower border is completely straight, without bending. It is difficult for girls of European appearance to grow such – genetically we have them with a bend. But if you succeed, you will definitely be the most stylish.
Natural. For these eyebrows, a fuzzy outline is characteristic – they are not even dyed, but rather tinted with a pencil or shadows. A characteristic feature is a tail of the same thickness as the base.
Drama. Wide eyebrow shape with a clear beginning and tail, which are additionally drawn with a liner. Usually they are made a half tone-tone darker than the hair, and become the main accent in the image.
Volume. This is exactly the option that most girls are after – slightly wild and modern eyebrows. All hairs are combed up and fixed with a gel. The beginning of the eyebrow is indistinct.