Maikop beer: history + overview of types

Maikop – beer from the South of Russia, familiar to many Sochi tourists. It is produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST and has a pleasant taste. The advertising slogan of the company: “For you – as for myself since 1882!”.

History of Maikop beer

1882 In the capital of the Republic of Adygea, the city of Maykop, the merchant Vyacheslav (Vatslav) Ivanovich Tovara founded an enterprise called Slavic Beer-Mead Brewing. He appointed Anton Rubesh, a Czech by birth, as the head brewer. The entire southern region knew and loved the products of the plant. Beer was brewed from soft water from mountain springs.

To check the quality of the drink, some beer was poured onto the bench, and then a person was asked to sit in a puddle. If he got up with a shop that had time to stick to his pants, then alcohol can be safely recommended.

1908 One of the first exhibitions of goods in Russia was held. The drink took away the gold medal from him.

1910 A new factory building was built. In Maykop, it is still considered to be one of the most beautiful.

During the Soviet era, the enterprise became the largest manufacturer of soft drinks and beer. The line included “Velvet”, “Zhigulevskoe”, “Rizhskoe” and many other popular types.

1996 The plant has undergone modernization of equipment, new beer varieties have been created. Among them was the “Maikop”, still loved by southerners and vacationers.

2008 In the 2000s, unpasteurized beer with live cultures was popular. Technologists took this trend into account and developed the legendary “Maikop fair”. It does not contain preservatives, it is brewed according to Czech methods using two-pot mashing. Beer retains the fullness of taste and perfectly copes with thirst.

In the same year, the plant was being repaired, which is why they accidentally found a bottle of beer produced in 1882 in the basement. The recipe was developed by Anton Rubesh himself. The technologists coped with the task of restoring the recipe, and “Maikop Anton Rubesh” appeared on store shelves.

2011 This year and next year, the brand was recognized as one of the ten best in Russia.

2020 The enterprise is the oldest in the city and gladly conducts excursions for everyone. It still specializes in soft drinks (kvass, soda, drinking water) and beer, including craft beers. In total, the assortment includes 17 types of strong drinks. It is sold both in 2-liter and 1,5-liter plastic bottles, and in glass, with a capacity of 0,5 liters.

Types of beer Maikop

  1. Khmelnoe, 4,4%. Pale lager with a characteristic delicate malt-hop aroma.

  2. Velvet, 4,4%. A dark beer with four varieties of malt: roasted, caramel, pale and Munich. Hence the unique sweetness and velvety.

  3. Honestly, 4%. It contains rare hops from Zatec, thanks to which the beer can be called a classic pilsner. It has a mild pleasant taste and a sweetish malt aftertaste.

  4. Good, 4,4%. Dark with caramel flavor and barely noticeable bitterness.

  5. Vigorous, 4,8%. Pale with a complex combination of sweet malt and bitter hops.

  6. Premium, 4,5%. Moderately bitter lager beer made from three varieties of German hops, pale and caramel malt. Grain, hops are almost not felt.

  7. Zhiguli, 4%. Saturated smells of hops, dryish.

  8. Czech, 4%. Classic Czech sample, fresh, pleasantly bitter.

  9. German, 4,5%. Quite bitter with caramel undertones. Hops dominate the aroma.

Craft beer of the “beer” line

  1. Lion, 4,4%. A spicy fruity ale made in the Bavarian style. Wheat.

  2. Bagira, 5,8%. Strong moderately hoppy Indian pale ale. Possesses sharpness and astringency.

  3. Kozel, 6,2%. Strong warming side with fruitiness and a sweet aftertaste from Munich malt.

  4. Bison, 4,5%. German style wheat ale. It contains Nelson Sauvin hops, which gives the beer a tart, fruity aroma of white wine.

  5. Grizzly, 4,8%. An American amber ale with fruity and malty undertones that balance the hop bitterness. Characteristically smells like fruit.

  6. Tiger, 4,5%. An American pale ale based on light Pilsner malt. Moderately bitter with fruity notes.

  7. Horse, 4,1%. Dry stout. The taste reveals caramel, pine nuts and bitterness from hops. Aftertaste with wine character.

  8. Vienna Lager, 4,5%. European lager based on Vienna malt. It has a floral-fruity character, fresh floral aroma.

Maikop beer awards

  1. Chestnoye collected the most awards: eight gold medals, including the Golden Autumn 2012 and PRODEXPO-2009 exhibitions.

  2. “Tsarskoye” received 2 gold.

  3. “Anton Rubesh” and “Summer” have one gold medal each.

Relevance: 08.07.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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