
Beer “Maikop” is well known to those who like to relax in Sochi. A drink brewed according to GOST is pleasant to the taste and quenches thirst. The geography of deliveries is constantly expanding, and today the products of the Maykop brewery can be purchased even in Moscow.

Historical reference. On the label of Maykopskoye beer its motto is printed: “For you – as for myself since 1882!”. In that year, the merchant Vyacheslav (Vatslav) Ivanovich Tovara built a plant in Maikop and called it “Slavic beer-medovarenie”. Czech Anton Rubesh became the main brewer of the enterprise.

Beer, brewed with soft water from mountain springs, was in demand throughout the South of Russia. At that time, the quality of the drink was checked as follows: a little beer was poured onto the bench, a person sat in a puddle. Beer was considered good only if the pants stuck to the bench so much that, getting up, a person dragged it behind him.

In 1908 Maikop beer was awarded a gold medal at one of the first exhibitions of Russian goods. After 2 years, the owners of the company built a new factory building, which is still considered one of the most beautiful in Maykop.

In Soviet times, the plant turned into the largest producer of beer and soft drinks in Adygea. The assortment of the enterprise in those days was standard: it included Zhigulevskoe, Rizhskoe, Velvet and other well-known beers.

In 1996, the plant was completely re-equipped, and the technologists developed new types of beer, including Maykop, which is still loved in the South.

In the 2008st century, unpasteurized, “live” beer has come into fashion. In 2009, the company produced the first batch of Maikop Chestny. It is made according to Czech technology, by the method of two-way mashing. Such a drink, although not deeply fermented, has a full-bodied taste with a pleasant malt sweetness and quenches thirst well. At first, Maykop Chestnoye was bottled only in kegs, but it quickly gained popularity, and since XNUMX this beer has been on sale in glass bottles.

In the same year, during repairs, a bottle of beer produced in 1882 according to the recipe of Anton Rubesh himself was found in one of the cellars. Technologists managed to restore the old recipe. So there was another kind of beer “Maikop” – “Anton Rubesh”.

In 2011 and 2012, Maikopskoye entered the top ten Russian beer brands.

Maykopskoe beer awards:

  • “Maikop Chestnoye” – 8 gold medals, including at the exhibitions “PRODEXPO-2009”, “Golden Autumn – 2012”;
  • “Maikop Royal” – 2 gold medals;
  • “Maikop Anton Rubesh” – 1 gold medal;
  • “Maikop Summer” – 1 gold medal.

Types of beer “Maikop”

“Maikopskoye Light” – pasteurized beer with a strength of 3,6%;

“Maikop Bodroye” – light unpasteurized beer with a strength of 4,8%;

“Maikop Dobroe” – dark unpasteurized beer with a strength of 4,4%;

“Maikop summer” – light unpasteurized beer with a strength of 3,6%;

“Maikop Premium” – light unpasteurized beer with a strength of 4,5%;

“Maikopskoye Tsarskoye” – light unpasteurized beer with a strength of 4,5%;

“Maikop Yubileinoye” – light pasteurized beer with a strength of 4,7%;

“Maikopskoe Tsarskoye” is a light unpasteurized beer with a strength of 4,8%.


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