Maiden beauty! Gorgeous braids of Krasnodar: choose the best!

The fashion for braids is back – more and more often we see beautiful long hair and original intricate hairstyles. This is understandable. Firstly, this styling looks stylish and feminine, and secondly, weaving is a universal hairstyle for any occasion: work, leisure, celebration, date or playing sports. 15 girls proved it by their own example. Who do you like more? Vote! Wonderful prizes await the winner.

Natalia Myskova, 25 years old, ballet dancer at the Philharmonic, the Kuban Cossack Volnitsa collective

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Natalia Myskova

How old is your braid? As long as I can remember, I have always had quite long hair.

Are you braiding yourself? As a child, my mother weaved my braids, but then, having matured, I myself learned. I really like the braid, and I often braid it myself. It is very convenient and beautiful. My opinion: the braid has always been and will be in fashion! This hairstyle can claim to be one of the oldest in human history. And today many girls are braided in an original way.

How do you care for your hair? At work, I always have to be with my hair in a bun, and then hair becomes brittle from hairpins. Therefore, I try to take care of my hair, make masks, cut the split ends.

How do family and friends react to braids? In my environment, everyone likes the scythe. Friends say that she will never go out of style. And by the way, even at fashion shows, such a hairstyle is found more often than other styling. So braided hair is trendy.

Vote for Natalia – on the last page!

Inessa Tavintseva, 24 years old, proofreader

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Inessa Tavintseva

How old is your braid? I can’t say for sure, before the first grade I was cut “under a pot”, and since then I have been growing my hair. I remember walking with a high ponytail in elementary school, but most of my life I know myself with one or two braids.

Are you braiding yourself? Yes, herself. I had to learn abruptly – in the summer camp I brushed my hair to big tangles. I shaved them off and patiently began to learn how to comb the right way. Mom was shocked to see me with a braid, from which the cut strands were sticking out.

How do you care for your hair? Shampoo + balm, no SLS required. Moisturizing serum for combing. Large square comb. A rare appearance with loose hair, I do not like it when they cling to everything. I don’t use a hairdryer. In the case of making a haircut in a hairdressing salon, please make a mask.

How do family and friends react to braids? The husband is neutral, the parents are positive. With friends, it is almost always the same story: at first they wildly like the braid, and then they start asking if I’m tired of walking with one hairstyle. But there are those who stably squeeze and unbraid and braid a braid when they meet. “Hat” girl friends always react in the same way – they sympathize with my heavy burden (although I am convinced that such hair is easier to care for than ordinary hair), remember that they also had a braid in childhood and are instructed to never cut their hair. The guys never commented on their hair.

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Natalia Valko, 41 years old, housewife

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Natalia Valko

How old is your braid? As far as I can remember, I have had so much braid. Mom really wanted her daughter to have long hair. So I went through the whole school with a braid to the knee. And then it’s already a pity to cut. When I got married, my husband also liked long hair – he did not allow him to radically change his hairstyle. After pregnancy, the hair became even thicker and longer, I was still waiting for my daughter’s braid to grow, we will do a beautiful photo session with her and I will part with my long hair. But my daughter is already 7 years old, and I again feel sorry for my haircut. And the hair is almost two meters long.

Are you braiding yourself? Of course, I haven’t even been to the hairdresser, once I decided to dye my hair, but when I found out the price, I changed my mind. But I was invited as a model to a master class for stylists. Those, seeing the length of the braid, gasped. I do myself neat styling – I twist my hair around my head so that the length is not visible. And with my hair down, I can’t get tangled up in an instant.

How do you care for your hair? Everyone asks me how much shampoo it takes for one wash, in fact, a little – a little more than with short hairstyles – 150 grams. I wash my hair in a cup (not running water), as if I was washing clothes – I will pour shampoo in parts I wash. I finish the wash with an apple cider vinegar rinse – about half a glass per bucket of water. I don’t use a hairdryer and irons – they split my hair and become brittle. And I comb it with a massage brush, lowering my head down – the blood supply improves and the hair grows better. If possible, I sometimes do a medicinal rinse from nettle infusions.

How do family and friends react to braids? There is too much attention on the street, to be honest, I don’t really like it. People take pictures, ask how I take care of my hair.

Vote for Natalia – on the last page!

Tatyana Bashkova, 30 years old, actress of the Krasnodar Drama Theater and “One Theater”

How old is your braid? I’ve had the scythe for as long as I can remember. Hair since childhood is thick, so my mother did not cut me. Once in the 10th grade I made myself a haircut to the shoulders – I still wanted something new. But from the first day I realized … a haircut is not mine! I jokingly compare myself to Samson – my strength is in my hair! And I do not believe at all that negative energy is accumulating in them.

Are you braiding yourself? Just 5 years ago I learned to weave myself. As a child, naturally, my mother made me pigtails, and then I wore a ponytail. Many people wonder how you can learn to braid yourself. It’s easy! Believe me, it is enough just to step over this purely psychological line! The first time will not be perfect, but it will work from the second!

How do you care for your hair? Honestly, I don’t really care for my hair in any way. I firmly believe that good skin, strong hair and nails are primarily dependent on your overall health. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is the best care. I break many rules: I comb my hair while wet, I always dry it with a hairdryer, my comb has iron teeth. Now there is a huge amount of bad chemistry in shampoos, the hair is becoming oily faster – I deliberately postpone the day of washing my hair for at least a day (it is better to braid complex braids or pull the hair into a ponytail) – the less often we use shampoos, the better the hair and scalp. With age (I think at 30 you can already start thinking about it) hair may need additional care. I switched to a professional shampoo with intensive hydration of the scalp.

How do family and friends react to braids? We can say that many of my friends dream of the same long and the same thick hair. And every time, laughing, I tell them that all this is not as simple and convenient as it seems to them!

Vote for Tatiana – on the last page!

Luiza Hasanova, 26, clothing designer, creator of the LuG brand

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Louisa Hasanova

How old is your braid? I have had a braid for 6 years, only by the age of 20 I realized that all the beauty of a girl is in her well-groomed long hair, before that she had always experimented with a long haircut.

Are you braiding yourself? I always did my hairstyles-braids myself, tried all kinds of weaving, my favorite was the “spikelet”: easy, and beautiful, and fast!

How do you care for your hair? I follow my hair very carefully, I make masks to strengthen the hair roots. For example, here is one of the masks for a wonderful result: a mask of infused decoctions of nettle and chamomile with an egg. The mask is applied to damp hair, to the washed head, lasts for 30 minutes, then it is washed off with plain warm water. The mask effectively nourishes and moisturizes the hair, gives the curls a natural shine.

How do family and friends react to braids? My husband really likes it, one might even say that the “magic” long braid drove him crazy. And many people ask how I take care of my hair, how I made a braid, but this is all done so quickly …

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Olga Naryzhnaya, 29 years old, hair stylist

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Olga Naryzhnaya

How old is your braid? From the very childhood, she learned to braid braids on herself and her friends. I did very well and even had a dream to become a hairdresser, but then I decided to become a financier and entered the Faculty of Finance and Banking. But even in my student years, braiding continued to be my favorite thing and hobby.

Are you braiding yourself? I love wearing braids myself and braiding others! Even after graduating from the university with honors and having worked in the main specialty for more than two years, she did not lose her passion for hairstyles and especially for braids. On the contrary, the desire to give people beauty and support the fashion for braids among women has intensified, because braids are so Russian, they are cute, feminine, beautiful.

How do you care for your hair? My main hair care is to regularly wash my hair properly and use conditioner after each wash and a hair mask twice a week. I gently comb my hair and paint with high-quality dyes.

How do family and friends react to braids? I always notice the glances of passers-by when I walk down the street with my hair from braids. Now I am a hair stylist, my hobby has become my profession and I am incredibly happy!

Vote for Olga – on the last page!

Ksenia Strygina, 24 years old, mother on maternity leave

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Ksenia Strygina

How old is your braid? Since childhood, I liked my aunt’s long hair, and I constantly told my mother that I wanted the same. We decided to grow it.

Are you braiding yourself? During school years, my mother or grandmother braided me. Now I weave simple braids myself. Sometimes he finds inspiration on girlfriends, and they do something like that for me.

How do you care for your hair? My hair is probably something special, but it does not require special care. Once a month I tint the roots, make a mask (yolk + tbsp. Cognac + tsp. Honey).

How do family and friends react to braids? After the birth of the child, there was a desire to have a haircut, but my husband does not allow it! Anyway, almost all of my friends and acquaintances love my hair. Oftentimes, strangers compliment you.

Vote for Xenia – on the last page!

Ksenia Avetikova, 24, gym coordinator

How old is your braid? My hair was always long, but at the age of 18 I decided that I wanted to change my hairstyle and made a square, then I yearned for long hair and since then I cut only the ends!

Are you braiding yourself? I mostly braid myself, and generally only entrust my hair to one master!

How do you care for your hair? I take care of them carefully, although nature has rewarded them with beauty, I use all kinds of conditioners, balms, oils!

How do family and friends react to braids? Friends and relatives admire my braids and strongly oppose my haircut.

Vote for Xenia – on the last page!

Arina Bogoslovskaya, 23 years old, actress

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Arina Bogoslovskaya

How old is your braid? Hair grew back not so long ago and very quickly, but then for some reason stopped growing, probably, the hair length has its limit.

Are you braiding yourself? Honestly, no one can cope with my hair – it is thick and curly. Therefore, I am my own stylist. It’s good that I was lucky with creativity and the right hands – I can come up with and implement any image, I collect my hair into incredible compositions. I also braid my braids, however, this is a difficult process – well, try to strip such a volume into separate strands.

How do you care for your hair? For me, the main law is not to dry my hair with a hairdryer and, as rarely as possible, expose to stylers and curling irons. I also make sure that the ends of the hair always remain “live”, uncut – for this I regularly cut them and apply cosmetic oil. I also use ready-made masks – I already have 85 tubes on my shelf. So beautiful long hair is a real job.

How do family and friends react to braids? Hair is admired, I have not yet met a single person in my life who would not like it. Sometimes I want to get a haircut when I get tired of looking after and wearing such a shock, but I’m in the heat of the moment, it’s a pity to part with such beauty.

Vote for Arina – on the last page!

Anna Alekseeva, 24 years old, analyst

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Anna Alekseeva

How old is your braid? Long hair for 6 years.

Are you braiding yourself? Despite my main job, I devote a lot of my time and attention to weaving. For me, this is a hobby that, I want to believe, will grow into something more. Of course, I do my hair from a braid, I braid my friends. I even taught braid weaving to hairdressers.

How do you care for your hair? I use masks and oils. I tried a bunch of recipes, even pepper and egg ones. But I stopped at inexpensive ready-made masks and oils for hair growth and nutrition. The convenience of the product is that it is sold in disposable ampoules and can be added to shampoo or applied to hair before washing. I do it 1-2 times a week and am very happy with the result: the hair stopped falling out, gained volume and became more silky. But the folk recipes did not suit me, the hair is light, and after rinsing with nettles, it acquired a green tint.

How do family and friends react to braids? Everyone’s reaction is different, as they say, to taste and color – there are no comrades. Usually they like braids. And when I braid the girls, they are happy.

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Victoria Litvinova, 23 years old, journalist

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Victoria Litvinova

How old is your braid? All my childhood I had long hair. First, my mother braided braids in kindergarten and elementary school, then I asked her to teach me how to weave braids.

Are you braiding yourself? For a long time I practiced on ribbons, it was uncomfortable for myself, but over time I learned. From the sixth grade I went to school with a long braid. The braid for me is a real salvation, the hair does not get in the way, it is neatly tied, the hairstyle lasts all day and you can fantasize endlessly. Every day I braid something new that suits my clothes and mood.

How do you care for your hair? In my care I prefer natural remedies. I love burdock oil and mustard mask very much. Recently I discovered the “Cellular Recovery and Elixir with Micro-Oils” mask – after pregnancy my hair was very dry, and these masks saved me.

How do family and friends react to braids? In childhood, the boys were not left alone, every day someone would pull. Once the most handsome boy in my class complimented my long, beautiful hair, and ever since then I have started to be proud of it. At the age of 18, she decided to radically change, experienced an unhappy first love, cut her hair very short. A year later, I met my future husband, who simply adores long hair, believing that it is feminine and sexy. My square did not prevent him from falling in love with me, and I, in order to please him, decided to grow a braid again. Now the hair is below the shoulder blades. This length allows you to experiment with hairstyles every day. Every day my husband is surprised at my masterpieces and calls me a sorceress. On the street, women look closely at my hairstyles, and men compliment me.

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Galina Zvorykina, 23 years old, marketer

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Galina Zvorykina

How old is your braid? Spit from childhood. Somehow I wore this hairstyle all the time for almost 2 years until I changed the color of my hair.

Are you braiding yourself? I braid myself, make the most ordinary braid of 3 strands.

How do you care for your hair? Every time I look for my own shampoo, be sure to use end oil and full length balm.

How do family and friends react to braids? The reaction is often one – grab the braid. In general, those around me are positive, with a scythe I look like a true Russian maiden, there is more than enough attention!

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Maria Samkova, 25 years old, cartographic engineer

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Maria Samkova

How old is your braid? I have been growing my hair since I was 6 years old. Not so long ago, I cut off 20 centimeters (to the shoulder blades) and it’s not a pity – it’s too hard with them, and they grow quickly with me.

Are you braiding yourself? I braid myself, I learned it as a child. I went to dances, there was always a need for a hairstyle based on a braid.

How do you care for your hair? My head every two days with shampoo and balm. Once or twice a week, a ready-made mask (usually moisturizing and nourishing). After each wash – spray for easy combing, oil for the entire length, except for the roots, silicone fluid on the tips. Every six months I do a course of masks based on burdock and coconut oil. I don’t dry it with a hairdryer, I only comb dry hair with a delicate comb a la Tangle Teezer. I don’t use paint.

How do family and friends react to braids? Parents and grandmothers from the long braid (below the priests) were delighted, the husband called him “nerd.” With a shorter scythe, they say that I look several years younger.

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Yulia Grabovskaya, 25, accountant

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Yulia Grabovskaya

How old is your braid? I have had a scythe since the age of 5. That is, for 20 years with variable length.

Are you braiding yourself? Most often, I weave myself, sometimes my husband (on his initiative), but usually he just combs.

How do you care for your hair? In my care, I prefer naturalness: I make masks with oil, I use eco-friendly cosmetics, and I comb it with a bone comb.

How do family and friends react to braids? I have never met those who do not like braids. Everyone likes: who to admire, who to touch, and who and to pull.

Vote for Julia – on the last page!

Natalia Mamakina, 20 years old, marketer

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Natalia Mamakina

How old is your braid? I have had a scythe since childhood. Maybe there was a break at the age of 14, because she shortened her hair a lot – apparently, the age is when the hunt for changes.

Are you braiding yourself? Unfortunately, I do not know how to weave at all, but I am always glad when they are offered to do my hair. It’s good that my friends are always happy to practice on my hair and willingly do my styling.

How do you care for your hair? I think my methods are standard: shampoo / balm, hair spray and fluid for the ends to prevent splitting. I try to use organic cosmetics with a minimum content of harmful substances. Well, I cut the ends every 3 months.

How do family and friends react to braids? They respond well. I think a lot of girls with long hair sometimes want to get rid of them. This is especially exacerbated in the summer during the heat. But relatives are categorically against it, so the braid is in place.

Vote for Natalia – on the last page!

Whose hair did you like the most?

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Certificate from our partner beauty salon Caramel Colors 5 thousand rubles goes to Anna Alekseeva – 738 people (36,3%) voted for her.

And a certificate for 3 thousand rubles to a beauty salon Caramel Colors The jury of the Caramel Colors beauty salon presents it to Galina Zvorykina.

We congratulate the winners and ask you to call the beauty salon Caramel Colors – telephones: 8 (918) 340-86-84, 8 (928) 407-37-44 – to clarify the time of obtaining certificates.

Art studio of your image Сaramel Colors – it is always to be yourself and to embody inner beauty through the outer! We know and can reveal the secrets of your natural harmony!

Caramel Colors located at: Krasnodar, st. Pashkovskaya, 41/1, phones: 8 (918) 340-86-84, 8 (928) 407-37-44

The most luxurious braids of Krasnodar

  • Natalia Myskova

  • Inessa Tavintseva

  • Natalia Valko

  • Tatiana Bashkova

  • Luiza Hasanova

  • Olga Naryzhnaya

  • Ksenia Strygina

  • Ksenia Avetikova

  • Arina Bogoslovskaya

  • Anna Alekseeva

  • Victoria Litvinova

  • Galina Zvorykina

  • Maria Samkova

  • Yulia Grabovskaya

  • Natalia Mamakina

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